Is VP Small Engine Fuel all that?

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Dec 19, 2004
New Orleans La
Is VP SEF really better than non ethanol pump gas? It seems kind expensive. VP's website say it can store for two years, but that's probably based on in the original sealed can. I wanting it for use in generators. I'm thinking about a can in each generator for storage and run every three or four months for a few minutes. If I ever need the generator I can fill it with pump gas.
For storage you could compare the time and $$ of cleaning up a gummed up fuel system.

My OPE guy says for newer equipment 'run with E10' 'store with E0'
What you are suggesting is sort of what I do with my generators. I run them at least twice a year with a load on them (usually space heaters) and then dump a can of SEF in the tank after it runs long enough to get the oil above 200 degrees to burn off any water that might be lingering. I'd worry if they were run for "just a few minutes" as I think you'd end up with a sump full of milky oil.

WHEN the power goes out (PureMichigan, it happens all the time), I dump regular gasoline in the tank and run it. When the power comes back on, I run all of the gasoline out and then dump in some SEF. This way it never sits with pump gas in it. Been working a treat so far.
Originally Posted By: Bullet
Is VP SEF really better than non ethanol pump gas? It seems kind expensive. VP's website say it can store for two years, but that's probably based on in the original sealed can. I wanting it for use in generators. I'm thinking about a can in each generator for storage and run every three or four months for a few minutes. If I ever need the generator I can fill it with pump gas.

In small quantities (one qt) that fuel will last no longer in your generator's tank than a gallon of E0 will. My generator has one gallon of E0 in the tank and gets started quarterly for 15 minutes. At the end of winter the rest of the gas gets drained and used in my mower and a fresh gallon goes in the generator for another year.
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