I tried it so you don’t have to: Grilled Eggs (it is a bad idea)

Sep 20, 2014
So lounging reading this morning, I read this foodie article online about how great grilled eggs were vs. regular hard-boiled. - Cook your eggs on your grill vs. boiling in a pan. So I thought, “whoo hoo, egg salad time.” This was a bad idea.

I followed the instructions exactly and it’s stupid. Some will burst from the steam pressure. Others will overheat inside and some of the white brown and stick aggressively to the shell, making peeling impossible. And there’s no difference in taste, except on the burned white portion.

I have no idea why some foodies think this is so cool, and I kind of even feel like a chump for falling for it.

(And before any of you chumps start grill-shaming me, it’s dirty because my dad’s Plott Hound ran off with the scraper into the woods the other day, and I haven’t bought a new one yet).

On the right hand side of the grill it looks like a dead bird.

I’ve never heard of grilled eggs. I don’t see how that would work. Fried in bacon grease will give you that smoked taste.
On the right hand side of the grill it looks like a dead bird.

I’ve never heard of grilled eggs. I don’t see how that would work. Fried in bacon grease will give you that smoked taste.
This. I don't cook eggs without bacon and I always use the bacon grease to make my eggs, no matter how I'm cooking them, scrambled, over easy, or otherwise.
I have no idea why some foodies think this is so cool,
Likely they don't.
The abundance of lifestyle magazines and web sites creates a demand for articles, many of which are worthless and are dubiously authored. These "sources" must be paid very little.
Somebody charged with filling a space read -in a camping or survival book- where heating eggs on a grill was possible.
The article you read was likely cobbled together hastily and without regard to fact.
Unlike sports and political talk shows, food articles cannot be repeated over and over.
If a food article looks stupid or impractical, it is.

The thing to do for salad (hard boiled) eggs is to put 'em in a pot of cold water, covering them an inch or two.
Heat the water to a rolling boil.
Turn off the heat and cover for 14 minutes.
After the 14 minutes, transfer the eggs to an ice bath to stop the cooking.
You'll get perfectly colored salad eggs; bright yellow yolks, white whites and no green tint.
Your welcome.
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At least you tried. We should try things, it's reminiscent of pre-web and email.
Man, I thought I was the only one who geeks out over egg salad.

I’m nuts for it, and have different recipes for different moods, and ones I like and my family doesn’t. My dad loves it and maybe I picked it up from his enthusiasm as a kid.

Dont get wire! Wire brush bristles have found their way into food and embedded in intestines.

Good point. I hadn’t heard of this or thought about it, but it looks like a real concern now that I’ve googled it. Thanks.

At least you tried. We should try things, it's reminiscent of pre-web and email.

That’s also part of it. I like to try different things both of natural curiosity, but also to demonstrate to the kids “hey, let’s find out!” I think a lot of kids are less adventurous this era for a lot of reasons - helicopter parenting, social media and electronic entertainment, less tolerance in schools, etc.
While this is not a good method to cook hard boiled eggs, something delicious to do with hardboiled eggs is...

Boil them to 'soft' (they'll cook a bit more later, don't want them to get too rubbery), refrigerate to chill (so they don't overcook), then place them in the smoker (ideally at the end of a cook when the smoker is cooling down). I usually do hickory, but apple and cherry are good, too. I usually let them go about 30 mins, or until they're uncomfortable to hold (have let them go longer if the smoker is cool enough, up to an hour). They're already cooked, so I don't temp or anything (maybe should? Idk, never had issues yet.)

Delicious on their own (just add salt and pepper) as a snack. Will elevate things you put them in (tuna salad, egg salad, etc).

Try it. It's one of those things that people usually wrinkle their nose at until they try one. Lol. We usually do 18 or so at a time, and they'll be gone in a few days. It sort of gives you the smoky bacon/egg flavor combo, all in one. And without having to buy bacon.

I'm not sure where my dad got the idea back in the 80s, but here I am 40ish years later still doing it regularly. Was so glad when egg prices came back down!