Hydraulic cement vs anchoring cement

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Nov 9, 2008
Well, the septic took a clog so I'm spending the morning digging it up. Got 2 of the three access holes open, and stuff flowing properly, and will have it pumped this week I think (its due). I recall last time the septic guy indicating I need to seal up around the inlet with hydraulic cement, as worms were crawling in. I, err, never got around to it.

I have a bucket of anchoring cement; once the tank is pumped (or if the water line stays below inlet), that should be fine, right? Best I can tell, hydraulic will set faster which is good if under/around water; anchoring cement expands a bit, which is neither good nor bad here.

I haven't dug around the pipe just yet, but I assume it's just a loose fit.
What you need is a cement that EXPANDS when it cures. Most other kinds SHRINK. I've always referred to this as *hydraulic cement*, but when checking to make sure I had the facts straight, I found that hydraulic cement means something else. They call the expanding kind a stop leak or similar wording.

Run down to Lowes. It comes in a small bucket, if you only want to do a small job.
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Originally Posted By: doitmyself
Do you have any idea why your septic tank is clogging and backing up?

TWo reasons, I think. First, short distance between baffle and inlet. Second, I think after a couple of years the filter starts to plug--right at this moment, that is the stuck cover so I can't clean it. Level is still a couple inches below the top of the baffle, but I think it is still a bit high.
Finally got the remaining cover off. A real kludge, but successful: I used one of those cheapo tow straps, the kind you're not supposed to use (with the hooks) over the 4x4 (wrapped so as to not come loose); had to use both hooks to keep the 4x4 from turning. Apply some preload, then whack the lid with a deadblow. Pretty simple, and more effective than all my prior attempts to pry.

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