Hundreds march at McDonald's HQ over low wages

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Or maybe the business owner just doesn't want to deal with the hassle for such small margins. More sand in the gears so-to-speak.

More regulation tends to favor larger companies as they have the inertia to overcome the additional friction of more and more regulations.

They are not typically as nimble or innovative as smaller companies. I think this is why you see so many large companies acquiring smaller firms. They can buy the innovation they can't create in their bureaucracy.
Originally Posted By: Alfred_B
Originally Posted By: Trav

Why not pay them all $50 an hour so they can spend money all over the place, new cars, big name watch, new felony shoes, more big screen TV's. Heck it will be boom town.

All they are asking for is livable wage. The wages are so low that these guys have to work two jobs, and still they qualify for means based assistance.

I do not think it is unreasonable to pay living wages to people.

Just how much is a living wage, define it. $500, $700, $1000 a week? let put a number on it.
I spend $2500 a week so to me that’s a living wage, you want to pay me that to sit at McDonalds drive up window?
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Originally Posted By: Mr Nice
Originally Posted By: dishdude
Originally Posted By: Mr Nice
OT: Looking for Anesthesia field service technician for Palm Beach, Ft Lauderdale, Miami region. Same requirements as previously posted. This is a non union job with pension / full benefits. New multi year contracts at new accounts, needing more techs on team.

That's great, but not really helpful without a link to the job posting.


2 job postings and we are looking for qualified applicants:

Pensacola, FL

Palm Beach, FL

Originally Posted By: Trav
Originally Posted By: Alfred_B
Originally Posted By: Trav

Why not pay them all $50 an hour so they can spend money all over the place, new cars, big name watch, new felony shoes, more big screen TV's. Heck it will be boom town.

All they are asking for is livable wage. The wages are so low that these guys have to work two jobs, and still they qualify for means based assistance.

I do not think it is unreasonable to pay living wages to people.

Just how much is a living wage, define it. $500, $700, $1000 a week? let put a number on it.
I spend $2500 a week so to me that’s a living wage, you want to pay me that to sit at McDonalds drive up window?

I would say $65,000 for a family of four would be a living wage in most of the country. Adjust that higher or lower with a cost-of-living index for specific geographical location.
Originally Posted By: javacontour
Originally Posted By: Alfred_B
Originally Posted By: Trav

Why not pay them all $50 an hour so they can spend money all over the place, new cars, big name watch, new felony shoes, more big screen TV's. Heck it will be boom town.

All they are asking for is livable wage. The wages are so low that these guys have to work two jobs, and still they qualify for means based assistance.

I do not think it is unreasonable to pay living wages to people.

Then start a business if you don't already have one, and pay what you consider to be a living wage.

No one is preventing you from doing this.

I pay living wages to my people, actually. The financial impact is not great. I want to have satisfied employees so that the quality of their outcome matches with what I want.

Why would I save a $100k/year in salaries (then about $30k in additional benefits expense) and then suffer from high turnover, uncaring attitude and low quality of my product?
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Originally Posted By: Alfred_B
Originally Posted By: Trav
Originally Posted By: Alfred_B
Originally Posted By: Trav

Why not pay them all $50 an hour so they can spend money all over the place, new cars, big name watch, new felony shoes, more big screen TV's. Heck it will be boom town.

All they are asking for is livable wage. The wages are so low that these guys have to work two jobs, and still they qualify for means based assistance.

I do not think it is unreasonable to pay living wages to people.

Just how much is a living wage, define it. $500, $700, $1000 a week? let put a number on it.
I spend $2500 a week so to me that’s a living wage, you want to pay me that to sit at McDonalds drive up window?

I would say $65,000 for a family of four would be a living wage in most of the country. Adjust that higher or lower with a cost-of-living index for specific geographical location.

Its not the employers responsibility to pay higher wages because someone has kids.
If you cant make a decent living and provide for them you shouldn’t have any, a responsible person would know that.

Your number is so far out of touch with reality, its not worth discussing.
@Trav, so what's your idea of living wage then? You asked for my opinion, I gave it to you. In your opinion it is out-of-touch. I would like to see what you think a family of four would need to live.
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For everyone who thinks he deserves more compensation for what he does there is someone who gets more in return for what he does than he deserves.
Originally Posted By: Alfred_B
@Trav, so what's your idea of living wage then? You asked for my opinion, I gave it to you. In your opinion it is out-of-touch. I would like to see what you think a family of four would need to live.

35K is enough for them to live on with no frills. People with families should not be working at McDonald's to support them,
A living wage is not nice cars, nights out on the town, smokes, cell phones, and all the rest.
Its a cheap used car, an apartment and food on the table, that's it.
I guess we have different ideas for what living wage is. With $35k, how would you raise two children in a safe environment, provide proper nutrition and education opportunities to them? I am not even talking about saving for college.

In one sentence, you tell them to go find a better job. In another sentence, you want them to just make enough money for a cheap car, an apartment and food on table -- no education, nothing.

That prescription is not logical.
Originally Posted By: Alfred_B

I pay living wages to my people, actually.

What jobs are your people performing? Are they jobs that anyone that walks in off the street without even a Highschool diploma, can almost immediately perform, like the average fast-food restaurant job. Or do these people of yours need to have advanced skills and ability for their jobs?

When I had my own Business, I also paid more than minimum wage. In some cases much more. The difference is that the jobs I needed to be performed, required more ability than the average fast-food restaurant job.
Originally Posted By: Trav
35K is enough for them to live on with no frills.

Problem with that logic is that these people can sit at home and do absolutely nothing, and with Gubment support programs - do better than this. Between Welfare, food stamps, obamacare, etc. they would be stupid to try and support a family of 4 with both parents working at the current minimum wage - and up to your quoted 35k a year.

At 35k for the family, their quality of life would be considerably less than if they were on 100% gubment support. Like it or not, there has got to be some incentive here to get off the couch and go to work. Where is the incentive in the above example?
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Originally Posted By: Alfred_B
I guess we have different ideas for what living wage is. With $35k, how would you raise two children in a safe environment, provide proper nutrition and education opportunities to them? I am not even talking about saving for college.

In one sentence, you tell them to go find a better job. In another sentence, you want them to just make enough money for a cheap car, an apartment and food on table -- no education, nothing.

That prescription is not logical.

Of course its logical, pay them enough not to starve to death and keep the rain off their heads if they apply themselves they will make more money in a better job but that's on them not me or society.
Originally Posted By: Lawn_Care
Originally Posted By: Trav
35K is enough for them to live on with no frills.

Problem with that logic is that these people can sit at home and do absolutely nothing, and with Gubment support programs - do better than this. Between Welfare, food stamps, obamacare, etc. they would be stupid to try and support a family of 4 with both parents working at the current minimum wage - and up to your quoted 35k a year.

At 35k for the family, their quality of life would be considerably less than if they were on 100% gubment support. Like it or not, there has got to be some incentive here to get off the couch and go to work. Where is the incentive in the above example?

That's the whole point, stop the hand outs, derail the gravy train and let these people sink or swim.
Well the current minimum wage is $7.25 which equals $15,080 a year.

$15/hr would equal $31,200.
I can respect someone who is willing to live their values. It's one thing to say you are for a living wage when you are spending your own money. It's quite another to tell someone what they should do with theirs.
Originally Posted By: Trav
Originally Posted By: Alfred_B
@Trav, so what's your idea of living wage then? You asked for my opinion, I gave it to you. In your opinion it is out-of-touch. I would like to see what you think a family of four would need to live.

35K is enough for them to live on with no frills. People with families should not be working at McDonald's to support them,
A living wage is not nice cars, nights out on the town, smokes, cell phones, and all the rest.
Its a cheap used car, an apartment and food on the table, that's it.
That is all we really need but those who want better usually go to school,take classes to improve your ability to earn extra money work hard, exercise their entrepreneurship,learn to invest money etc. My first real job was a busboy at the local pancake house ,I asked to learn more and I washed dishes ,became a host and learned to cook and that was in high school . I retired at 50 and still work doing all sorts of stuff to keep busy. I have bought and sold real estate, owned some land and ran cows for a few years .I have some rental properties ,some stock investments etc. I don't see myself as the brightest light on the string or make $50,000 + bonus [he is really brilliant] a month like my cousin but putting out some extra effort daily instead of going home and doing drugs drinking booze and watching TV make a difference that adds up. Fast food servers is only a starting point for a job.
Originally Posted By: Trav
Originally Posted By: Lawn_Care
Originally Posted By: Trav
35K is enough for them to live on with no frills.

Problem with that logic is that these people can sit at home and do absolutely nothing, and with Gubment support programs - do better than this. Between Welfare, food stamps, obamacare, etc. they would be stupid to try and support a family of 4 with both parents working at the current minimum wage - and up to your quoted 35k a year.

That's the whole point, stop the hand outs, derail the gravy train and let these people sink or swim.

Who are you mad at, the working poor or the not working poor? This thread is about making things better for the former.
Originally Posted By: eljefino
Who are you mad at, the working poor or the not working poor? This thread is about making things better for the former.

Cut 'em all off, let God sort 'em out. lol

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Originally Posted By: eljefino

Who are you mad at, the working poor or the not working poor? This thread is about making things better for the former.

I don’t think anyone is mad at any group in particular its the agenda of the lunatics that push this sort of rubbish and try to justify it.
You couldn’t walk back your statement of the poor supporting the poor could you? LOL
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