Gravesite theft and vandalism


$200 Site Donor 2023
May 5, 2018
WPB Florida-Maryland-Pennsylvania
Yesterday was the fourth anniversary of my mother's passing and I visited the gravesite.

My parents grave is at the back of the cemetery in a remote area along a fence. I have noticed vandalism of those graves in the back and stolen items.

One large ornament was stolen from my mother's again and it's not a mowing issue because I maintain her area so they don't hit anything.
Many other graves had things stolen as well.

I called the caretaker for whom I went to school with and told him about the situation. He was aware of a few prior minor incidents but not the latest. He said he would take care of it in short order. I'm also going to visit more often at night myself.

It seems very few visit the area so nobody reported it. It takes a special type of scum to do this.
This picture is the exact area but prior to my folks passing. Their grave would be to the right of the bigger black tombstone along the fence line.
....and when any such guilty parties are caught, extract re$toration (fair and square) and any "sentencing" be in the form of real, community work.
What large ornament was stolen from your mother's gravesite? urn/vase or statue?
I visit the sites of several relatives at one cemetary, in a section that's all flat markers. My family is all granite, but there are quite a few there made of bronze. I've heard that theft of the bronze for scrap metal can be a problem at some cemeteries.
....and when any such guilty parties are caught, extract re$toration (fair and square) and any "sentencing" be in the form of real, community work.
What large ornament was stolen from your mother's gravesite? urn/vase or statue?
This time it was a very large vase that was staked into the ground deeply.
Took much effort to steal it.