Good handheld broadcast spreader?

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Staff member
Dec 14, 2002
New Jersey
Exactly what the title says - I have a broadcast spreader that I got at HD a few years back, which gets stuck often and doesnt work that great. It always feels like it is going to shear the handle or gears.

Looking for a better quality item to spread seed, pelletized lime and even the occasional fertilizer, though we dont tend to use it.

Ability to spread other stuff like blood meal, holly, plant and garden tone products, etc. are also useful.

Any recommendations?

Do you really mean handheld?

While Scotts are overpriced, you need to worry about calibration and most bags of stuff have a listing for a Scotts spreader but maybe not some no names.
Search at for the current reviews of "hand held" spreaders. I have not kept up with the changes. Scotts was the go to unit until they cheapened it. Earthway was developing a better one, but again, I haven't followed up.

Here you go:

For chest type spreaders, besides Earthway, check out the Warren T-771 and the Solo 421S. These work very well for fertilizer. I have minimal experience with seed.

IMO, the Earthway bag type spreader is better for seed than solid products, but it does handle both. I use them as a throw away type unit for winter salt at work.

These types of spreaders are not known for their uniform fertilizers spread patterns and one has to be careful with calibration and technique. I have spread pattern research data, but doubt anyone cares.
I'm looking for something small. No bag, just a hopper. My parents have one for. Agway, problem is they bought it 30 years ago...
My grandfather has this one from Scotts. It seems to work pretty well. I've only used it once but he likes it.

That's essentially what I have, and it can't handle dry pelletized lime.
I only use my Earthway spreader for seed but the way I calibrate is mark off a small grid in sq ft. Spread some seed over the grid. Now simply count seed within the sq ft area. I shoot for about 20 seeds per sq ft for wheat grass which is common seed here for rangeland.
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