Ford coil connector tool?

Jan 2, 2004
What tool would I use to release the terminals from a Ford DIS coil pack? I bought a Motorcraft WPT207 pigtail, complete with butt splices and Sumitube heat shrink, but I see a red lock on the mating side and it looks like I can de-pin the old connector and insert the bare terminals into the new connector shell.
Pull the red lock out by prying it out with a jeweler's screwdriver, then use that screwdriver to release the plastic locking tangs which hold the terminals in. You have to push the locking tangs away from the terminal at the same time as you pull it out the back. It may help to have someone else pull as you push. You can pull the terminals out the back, right through the rubber wire seal. EDIT: You may find it easier to use a dental pick to release the locking tangs, but I've always used a jeweler's screwdriver.

That connector dates back to at least the late 80s, by the way. Pretty sure it was first used as a MAF sensor connector.
and those suggestions worked! I’ll get the connector shell swapped out tomorrow. I had a sharpened bike spoke and my iFixit toolkit and I didn’t know the red lock can be removed.
I have one of the big assortments of de-pinning tools and I used one of those to change the coil connecotr on a friend's truck. He was a gorilla with the red lock and couldn't comprehend that screwdrivers come in sizes other than giant.
I have one of the big assortments of de-pinning tools and I used one of those to change the coil connecotr on a friend's truck. He was a gorilla with the red lock and couldn't comprehend that screwdrivers come in sizes other than giant.
Yea, I’m gonna pick up one of those - a Delphi/Aptiv tool and a maybe a Chinesium one for everything else.