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Originally Posted By: Gary Allan
Regardless of the particular reason for enumerating it, the Second Amendment did not confer, create, expand or narrow any rights.

So you say. While I agree with you, it's only opinion sustained by consensus. That is, accepted as "taken for granted" and not specified in the text itself.

Hence, when consensus dictates that the confines of the text need massaging to be practical, it's done.

It's only when that consensus falls out of YOUR view that you protest that massaging.

That about it?

Not really, I find in general that people want whenever possible to be able to take the easy, or path of least resistance, to achieve their ends without regard to the consequences of those actions.
Hence we have attempts to redefine and interpret phrases to fit with the end goal, whatever that may be, or appeals to the consensus view to avoid the harder path of discourse would the only valid path of instituting further restrictions of freedoms be taken.
Not really, I find in general

That is, your opinion?

I'd say that you're in a debate over interpretation and assume certain things that aren't there in plain language (however they may have been intended to be "implied" and taken for granted).

I'd blame any anxiety over it on some nobles, however patriotic and selfless in their quest for the perfect document of liberty, who insisted on choosing the eloquent script of nobles that are certain of what they meant ..and left much not stated and/or qualified.

I've seen this in simple contractual language:


Overtime will be assigned to the man with the lowest hours accumulated, UNTIL all others have been asked in their dept. If no one in the dept accepts the assignment, then anyone qualified to perform the work shall be asked. The company reserves the right to assign the least senior qualified employee the overtime.

This has an unspoken assumption that the overtime is refused.

Just swap the REAL application of it and replace it with "access to money at a premium rate" ..and the words look like the company wants to offer your overtime to everyone else before you're allowed to work it.

"It's you money, until I ask anyone else if they want it ..and if we can't figure out a way to screw you out of it, we reserve the right to give it to the lowest of the low".
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