Embalming your own relatives

Not sure why gin always makes me think of the Beatles

Now, Aunty came in, stinking of gin
And proceeded to lay on the table
She said, "Vava, you met your match"
And Vava said, "Birdie, it's just a scratch.
I'll be better and ride my motorbike as soon as I am able"
You do know I shoot off the legs of my rivals, right?
When I was in the service, a guy in my office had a son that had cancer. When his son passed, he was only 9 years old, and they had an open casket. I do not like viewing bodies. No.....way. Seeing a 9 year old in a casket, really snaps your life into focus and you realize that a lot of your "problems" aren't really problems compared to what this family went through. It was just heart wrenching.

The father passed away a few years ago. Also of cancer. He and his wife wound up dicorcing a few years after their son passed. It was just too much. They had another son that was a few years older, so he now lost his brother and his father all within a 10 year period. I feel so badly for them all.

My Mom passed February 2023. Texas did not require embalming, but it was closed casket. She was very clear about that.
My funniest funeral parlor story happened when my brother and I were hanging out at a friends house after school. The telephone rang and my brother picked it up and said, "Thompson's Funeral Parlor, you stab 'em, we slab 'em." My friend's mom was super embarrassed and grabbed the phone from my brother. It turned out it was the mom's best friend who was peeing her pants laughing - her husband was a mortician. We weren't allowed to answer the phone after that.
In Brooklyn that was the tag line to a joke which I cant remember but do remember the punchline still...Uncle Bill's Mortuary, you kill em we chill em.