Dust Storm Question

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Jan 2, 2011
In The Region Between
Question: Is it best to change the oil and filter if you pass through a dust storm? I was in one that lasted about 20 minutes the other day. It was strong enough to loft grains of sand about 3 feet above the ground. I was driving slowly. Will the filter handle this anyway?

Your answers are appreciated.
I'd be more worried about the air filter, and what got past that. Knowing my OCD I'd probably change the oil and filter too if the air filter looked bad.
We get dust storms like this in Phoenix about 10-15 times a year. I don't change my oil any more often, and my UOA's always come back fine

I'd be more concerned if it was a 1940s/50s car without a closed crankcase air intake or with a road draft ventilation tube.
Originally Posted By: demarpaint
I'd be more worried about the air filter, and what got past that. Knowing my OCD I'd probably change the oil and filter too if the air filter looked bad.

I would add checking the cabin filter to that list. If I see a cloud of dust ahead on the road, the first thing I do is either turn off the A/C, or turn the system to recirculate to prevent sand and dirt being sucked into the cabin filter.
Smack the air filter and see what falls out.

If you have a vehicle with a solid rear axle you could check the differential vent.

You could also carefully clean the windshield to remove the fine grit that may not be apparent on the surface so that your wipers don't damage the surface.

You might want to blow out the alternator and around the engine with high pressure air so that fine grit does not do any damage there, like on the next spark plug change.

Wash the painted surface with care for the same reason.

Then admit to your family that the diagnosis of OCD was correct.

Once all that's complete you can go back to the garage and make sure all your tools are clean and lined up in the correct order before hooking up the trickle charger and closing the garage door.
Originally Posted By: Nick1994
We get dust storms like this in Phoenix about 10-15 times a year. I don't change my oil any more often, and my UOA's always come back fine

Same here.. Phoenix gets lots of blowing dust, sometimes severe, and I've yet to have a problem.

The key here is to make sure that your AIR filter is doing its job. If it is, and it's catching the dust before it gets into the engine, then your oil filter shouldn't even notice any difference.
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