Driving courtesy questions...

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Originally Posted By: ZZman
1. If someone want to merge into your lane are you likely to let them or not let them?

2. If stopped at a traffic light are you more likely to block business driveways or leave an opening for vehicles to enter or exit?

For me I almost always let people in and leave space.

I do the exact same thing you do.
Originally Posted By: bubbatime
Just this morning there were TEN cars in the left lane driving the speed limit, and ZERO cars in the right lane, so I passed them all in the right lane. That's ten idiots that have no clue how to drive. 100% of the cars on the road at the moment, and not a single one of them have any freaking idea how to drive correctly and polity, in the RIGHT lane.

I've had many people ride my butt, possibly thinking the same thing. I enter a major 65MPH, 2-lane highway and less than a mile later exit left, at the very next exit. I have to contend with people who won't let me in the "passing" lane, and although rarely, I have to sometimes force my way in by slowly letting my left tires touch their lane and/or changing from turn signal to emergency blinkers. The exit is also a relatively sharp left turn while the road continues its right curve. When I drive in late to work the whole left lane is filled and slowed down to 45-55MPH, making it worse as people then want to pass on the right as I'm trying to enter the highway.
Originally Posted By: ZZman
1. If someone want to merge into your lane are you likely to let them or not let them?

2. If stopped at a traffic light are you more likely to block business driveways or leave an opening for vehicles to enter or exit?

For me I almost always let people in and leave space.

Pretty much the same but I do want people around me to drive. What I really hate is people in the merge lane who won't speed up or actually merge. Get on with it people. Drive with some confidence. Speed up and merge. I've left you some room so use it.
Originally Posted By: ZZman
1. If someone want to merge into your lane are you likely to let them or not let them?

2. If stopped at a traffic light are you more likely to block business driveways or leave an opening for vehicles to enter or exit?

For me I almost always let people in and leave space.

1. Depends, have they sped up to a reasonable speed? Usually on the freeway people won't take their cars over 1,500 RPMs it seems and merge super slow. No, I'm not letting you in if that happens.

2. Only if a car is already there will I not block it. Otherwise I file in with traffic.
1. If your derrière is UP TO SPEED, and you are using your signal, no problem.

2. Depends on the traffic volume behind me as well as the direction the car intends to go. If it's heavy traffic (both ways) and the fool want to go left (across two busy lanes....I'll most likely block them. They should go right in that instance and then eventually go in the direction they need to go.
That depends on the traffic and situation. I often give people a chance, especially if they're driving something large, or it's very busy out. But, I have little patience when I'm the only one on our "freeway" for a mile in front or back of me at 2:00 a.m., and a person merging is all offended that I don't make special room for him.
Originally Posted By: bubbatime
... Of course, I am about the ONLY person anymore that actually drives in the right lane, and passes in the left lane. Just this morning there were TEN cars in the left lane driving the speed limit, and ZERO cars in the right lane, so I passed them all in the right lane. That's ten idiots that have no clue how to drive. 100% of the cars on the road at the moment, and not a single one of them have any freaking idea how to drive correctly and polity, in the RIGHT lane.

I'm with you, I drive in the right lane even when there isn't another car in sight on the highway. I just try to make it a habit as much as possible, of course even with the road seems deserted I will keep on eye out for onramps and move over a lane if somebody shows up and needs to merge. I think it's polite and just makes sense at the same time.
The thing that kills me is that others will accuse me of an illegal pass on the right when I get into the rightmost lane on a multilane road to get around clueless drivers podunking around to the left. Had a huge debate about this at work once and stuck to my guns saying it's only a legal "pass" if we're talking about a single lane of travel in a given direction and you're leaving that lane to get around somebody...you can only pass in the oncoming lane in areas with appropriate road markings, you can't legally pull onto the right shoulder to pass people.
The guy that was most adamant that I was wrong came in the next day and conceded defeat. If you get into the right lane to get around a slow left lane driver, you're not legally "passing" them, you're just driving by them. I still agree that it's generally a rude thing to do, but hardly illegal and sometimes the only way to deal with a clueless slowpoke.
Seems to be common in New England that driving in the left lane is not allowed unless you're overtaking other drivers (notice I did not say pass!) by state law, not sure how the rest of the US is on that.
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