Detailing Problem

Apr 28, 2020
North Dakota
My problem is, after a good detail I never want to drive my cars. Pollen everywhere right now, rode the bike to work to let it glisten a little longer. Most days I'm better off not detailing and therefore not sweating it!

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I am like that also, after I clean and detail if it is a chance rain both newer cars stay in the garage, drive the 97 Explorer it sits outside.
It makes me feel better to know there’s others out there that have the same, well let’s be honest, ridiculous tendencies. I also live on a dirt road that’s 1/2 mile before I get to pavement so the only time I can actually drive a clean car is if I time it to leave in the illusive 30 second “magic” window in the transition from mud after raining to dust when it’s dry. The struggle is very, very real.

I ride my PCX to work pretty much every dry day all summer. It has a nice added benefit of stopping my car from sitting in the hot sun 8 hours a day AND it stays clean in the garage. Apart from the pesky dust of course.
I ride my PCX to work pretty much every dry day all summer. It has a nice added benefit of stopping my car from sitting in the hot sun 8 hours a day AND it stays clean in the garage. Apart from the pesky dust of course.
Same here, but then I never get to enjoy the clean car because it only gets driven in the rain 🤣
In my screwed up OCD mind, I have to let products dwell and bake into the paint so I can get the most out of it.

I see no solution to my problem.