[Cut Open] FRAM Titanium FS7317 (Virgin)

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A Fram rep / member here stated that the 9688 was made to South Korean mandated specs. The whole Fram lineup of 9688s. EG / TG / XG.
It's the reason why the 9688s cost a couple dollars more than the same Fram (with different number) sitting next to it on the store shelf.

Just a guess that the 9688s are not 99efficiency@20microns. They are probably under that.

My AC Delco Korean Ecore filter is listed as 98/25-30. That's fine with me and keeps me away from the smaller, half-shut-eye louvers that I don't care for.
The bigger round louver holes are OK with me..... like what's shown in this Titanium.
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Originally Posted by Triple_Se7en
Originally Posted by Farnsworth
Synthetic blend on box does mean two layers synthetic as predicted. The writers are not experienced in filter jargon. MK did say many old employees were fired. They don't screen back the cellulose syn blends. April production nothing later yet. Looks like maybe they stayed open.
The v shaped inlet would cause a pressure gradient across the length of the v I would guess, forcing the flow direction to be tilted? The wide side acts like a big pipe and the narrow side like a small pipe pressure wise as I see it.

The member that had been vocally harsh on you and I lately has been banned.
Titanium and Force will be used in oil & filter sale combo promotions. Otherwise, both of these are too expensive and will grow dust sitting on the shelves.

LOL yep just like the Mobil 1 AP and Valvoline Modern Engine oils.
My guess is the price will come down on these as they see a need to improve sales. I agree with the many who have commented about the sales, discounts and combos making this on par with Wally World prices at times. I personally can't stand the AA stores and unless I have to go in there I don't... I like to order stuff online when I see good deals and then shop in my garage when I'm doing maintenance...
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It takes me 20 minutes to check out at AA cause they are always short staffed.

They would definitely have an increase in sales if they had an express cashier checking out customers.
Originally Posted by FordSVTGuy
My guess is the price will come down on these as they see a need to improve sales. I agree with the many who have commented about the sales, discounts and combos making this on par with Wally World prices at times. I personally can't stand the AA stores and unless I have to go in there I don't... I like to order stuff online when I see good deals and then shop in my garage when I'm doing maintenance...

I'm afraid that is the case for me also, I'm lucky to walk in AA once a year, if that.
Originally Posted by bullwinkle
I wonder if the inner edges of those holes would cut the ADBV (as we've seen many Puro filters do). Guessing the purpose is to induce a rotation inside the can (outside the media)? I'm not sure I buy the idea behind that, since the pleats are vertical and not angled in the direction of rotation.

The shape of the base plate inlet holes isn't going to cause any "flow benefit" by causing flow rotation or anything else inside the filter. As you mentioned, the pleat are vertical, and also any flow going through those holes will be disturbed by the lip of the ADBV which it has to hit and flow around before ever getting to the pleats. Only thing they are going to do is give more total inlet flow area, which will decrease the overall delta-p across the filter by a hair. It looks cool, and allows them to name the holes something cool to help sell filters, that's about it beside a hair less dealt-p.
The AAPs here never sold many Ultras (when they had them), and they collected dust on the shelves before they sent them back. Advance seems to not care too much about sales to walk-in customers, and most commercial/garage accounts aren't paying that kind of cash for oil filters, they're buying the master packs of "R" series red CQ (Puro Classic) filters while the big $ filters just sit. At least AAP sometimes blows out expensive oil cheap, unlike their filters.
It might be interesting, or not, to read the patent for the scientific explanation of the hole shape. Around home I can think of a garden hose with a thumb to control the spray it isn't positive displacement but it is flow pressure. If you want to spray further and harder you narrow the opening and to shorten the spray widen the opening. I would imagine the narrow end of the filter hole would produce a harder jet and maybe it does something beneficial. Someone at Fram thought so.
Originally Posted by Farnsworth
It might be interesting, or not, to read the patent for the scientific explanation of the hole shape. Around home I can think of a garden hose with a thumb to control the spray it isn't positive displacement but it is flow pressure. If you want to spray further and harder you narrow the opening and to shorten the spray widen the opening. I would imagine the narrow end of the filter hole would produce a harder jet and maybe it does something beneficial. Someone at Fram thought so.

If the hole shape is so revolutionary and efficient, then they should be showing up on the rest of their filters.
To add ... Fram shows no patent (not even an application) for the holes on their website showing all of their other recent patents - the last patent granted to Fram was back in 2011. If they wanted to patent those holes, there would at least be an application of record out there somewhere before they put it on the market. If someone can find a patent for the new base plate holes, then please post up the link.

Also, didn't see it mentioned ... but the base gasket on the Titanium is black, but all of Fram's depictions show it to be orange.
Originally Posted by ZeeOSix
Also, didn't see it mentioned ... but the base gasket on the Titanium is black, but all of Fram's depictions show it to be orange.

The can is black, the box is black, and the gasket (in reality) is black. I think depicting the gasket as orange in advertisement is just a means of drawing attention to it and the description of how it is different compared to every other black gasket.
Originally Posted by Ignatius
Originally Posted by ZeeOSix
Also, didn't see it mentioned ... but the base gasket on the Titanium is black, but all of Fram's depictions show it to be orange.

The can is black, the box is black, and the gasket (in reality) is black. I think depicting the gasket as orange in advertisement is just a means of drawing attention to it and the description of how it is different compared to every other black gasket.

Box shows an orange base gasket.

Photo from OP's first post.

[Linked Image from rangerxlt.com]
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