cleaning out suction gun

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Nov 21, 2006
I use a suction gun for filling up manual transmissions, differentials, etc. that have the fill hole on the side where you can't easily pour a bottle into. It looks kinda like a grease gun, it has a tube coming out of one end (where you suck up, and then dispense the fluid from) and on the other end is a plunger you pull to fill the gun, then push in to dispense the fluid.

I want to to know what's the best way to clean this thing out in between uses. I don't want my transmission fluid to become contaminated with left-over gear oil and vice versa. Hose it out with a can of brake-clean maybe? How about cleaning the hose itself? It's actually part of the gun, so I can't just buy a roll of tubing and throw it away as I use it. And I would think the brake-clean would eat away at it, seeing as how it's some sort of rubber. Any suggestions?
I only use one suction gun for gear lubes, another for each other type.

Since I change between lu bes with the suction gun, I just suck a little in (wastes it, i know), and than pull the plunger all the way out, let the fluid slosh around by orienting the gun in all directions, then point the exit down and start plunging fluid out.

Seems to work well enough.

I only use the suction gun to pull diff and gearboxes, ps. I use another pump to load. On both I plug the clear hoses between uses. Since I'm only using clean fluid in the pump I'm not that worried about a 1/2 oz of diff in the gearbox or vice versa as all of the cars are 15 years or older.

I guess I decided it was too hard to clean the suction gun after pulling out used oil. It's still a great tool.
About 2 years ago I used diesel fuel. Just pour a quart or so in a clean can, jar, or small bucket, insert hose & draw back to fill the suction gun, then push & pull a few times. Seemed to work fine for me.
If you really want it clean, repeat with more fresh clean diesel fuel. Kerosene should work well too. Afterwards, store with hose pointing down so any remaining traces are free to drain- at least that's what I did.
I just use a separate suction gun for each application. When Harbor Freight has their suction gun on sale it's only about $3 and the thing holds nearly an entire quart.
For filling, I either use the nozzle that comes on the bottle of gear lube, or push a short length of clear vinyl tubing on the nozzle to let me fill at 90 degrees from the hole.

I don't want to risk contamination from transferring the oil to a suction gun with unknown cleanliness, even a new one.
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