choices: Mightyvac 7400 or the Topsider ?

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I think you will like this fluid extractor when you use it to change oil in your BMW. Post your experience/question(s) after you received and used it.

To tighten the screws on black top you need 8mm wrench to keep the nut under it from turning. Don't over-tighten it, you may damage the seal under the black top.

One importance note: push the large tube to the container firmly until you hear a click, then pull the blue cap out a little to seal it, otherwise you may have a small air leak. To remove the tube from the container use one hand to push in the blue cap while the other hand pull out the tube.

You made a right decision in going with the Amazon warehouse deals, who really cares about the box, damaged or not.
SO got the oil changed today - all went well AFAIK.
Have a few post-OC questions:

-- Now, what's the best way to empty the MV 2701? use the 'pump' function or just our it out from the top? I'll be taking it to AAP.
-- Also, how can I clean the tubes and the canister afterwards? would engine degreaser work?
-- Would it be ok to let the used oil sit in the canister for a day or 2 until I can take it to AAP?
Originally Posted By: 97tbird

-- Now, what's the best way to empty the MV 2701? use the 'pump' function or just our it out from the top? I'll be taking it to AAP.
-- Also, how can I clean the tubes and the canister afterwards? would engine degreaser work?
-- Would it be ok to let the used oil sit in the canister for a day or 2 until I can take it to AAP?

I saved several 2.5 gallons liquid detergent jugs I bought from Costco long time ago, I use the pump to transfer the used oil into it. When I have 3-4 full jugs I took it to either Pep Boys or O'Reilly for recycle.

I don't clean the canister, after I pump out old fluid to a recycle jug I just leave the few ounces old fluid in there.

I snake the tubes to the earth quake traps on the water heater with one end up high and the other end down low into a used plastic cup, let the oil drips into the cup for several days, then throw the cup into the trash bin.
QP: ooops meant 7201.

Thanks HTSS_TR ; I got a big gallon jug from AAP and some engine degreaser, I might just transfer the oil to the gallon jug and thne rinse the canister out with some degreaser...

I am going to just pour it out from the top of the 7201 - hopefully that won't be a messy job...
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