I like David Burke's as a steakhouse/primehouse. In Des Plaines is a great hot dog/polish place called paradise pup, which I always enjoy.
Harold's fried chicken, smothered in hot sauce, is some of the best fried chicken Ive had.
There are a bunch of Brazilian places, Brazzaz is my favorite, and the others are bigger chains, but really good all the same.
Grillers, on the loyola downtown campus has a nice hot dog - but hot dogs are good most everywhere.
My favorite besides David Burke's is Bandera, which is on Michigan Ave, just near the tribune building. It is a second story restaurant, and in the spring, when Michigan Ave is done up with flowers, it is great to get a table by the window and look out at dusk. Really nice. Get a pint of Goose Island 312, have some of their cornbread and something off the rotisserie, and it is GREAT!