Chevy Trucks Fog Lights

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Jun 3, 2005
Austin, TX
Why do they have so much glare?! I find the late model Chevy trucks fog lights generate more glare than their low beams, when viewed head on. What gives? Isn't there a maximum glare limit for DOT fog lights?
My Toyota's fogs, are E codes, BTW.
I have the oem fog lights on my 2004. To turn them on you have to push the button, they never default to being on. So drivers purposely turn them on, not by accident/

I have also not noticed anything objectionable with the GM trucks BUT I also know that many owners install high watt bulbs in them just so they can po everyone else. Its very popular in your face attitude of many vehicle owners. I just had one of those ah's following me for about 10 miles last night. He had the fog/driving lights on and it was only dusk at the time, they were 5x brighter that his regular lights and aimed up. I put my hand over my inside mirror a couple of times and he noticed that, his response was to gun the engine so the truck moved up and down to make the glare worse. We were in heavy traffic and there was no reason to have them on except to be a jerk, "hey look at me, I got really bright lights and if the bother you, kma.

Cruise many of the truck forums and you will find a lot of threads on lights and the theme of many is, I want to have really brite lights and I don't care what anyone else thinks.
In Louisiana if you have fog/driving lamps on when visibility isn't reduced by weather, you get a ticket.
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