Carpenter fired over releasing a racoon

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It is true. Fox really do report the news the mainstream media keep from us.
Employer paid to have animal trapped. Employer was also paying the individual who released the animal against the employer's wishes. Assuming the employer was within his right in having the animal trapped, he probably had every right to fire that individual (in most states, not sure about California, and also would depend on any applicable employment contracts).

If the employee wants his job back, how about offering to pay for the costs associated with trapping the animal? That might soften the employer a little.
The employer may well have had it in for the guy- and saw this as his chance to get rid of him.
I will have to side with the employer doing the firing here. I would have been irate at the employee who let it go too. He had no business doing that. The coon was causing damage and the employer hired a pro to remove it. What business is it of that employee to interfere? NONE! If he didn't know what was going on he still had no business removing the trap and animal. He should have asked what was going on if he was that troubled.

Firing him sounds like the right move to me. I would be after compensation for money paid to the exterminator from him to boot. The moron! Coons can do a LOT of damage to a home. Anyone who has seen it knows what I mean. Of course it is in CA though so chances are the fired employee will win some ridiculous law suit amount from the crazies out there.
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We had groundhogs damaging the foundation where I work and had them trapped . If I would have took them and released them my employer would not be happy.
"Releasing the raccoon in a grassy area" is the key. If he did not check with the employer first, I bet he released the animal nearby, most likely in a nearby park, and it will come right back.

A lot of these animal rights people are unrealistic in their thinking.

If he asked the employer, and drove the animal to a place like Mt. Tamalpais, or a hundred or so miles away on the other side of the Bay, I bet there would be no issue.

Based on what I think he did, which was just to turn it loose nearby, the employer was in its right to fire this employee.
I bet that was the only raccoon in SF, 5 more waiting in the woods. He was the scout probably.

Wrong to release I agree. Especially if they paid someone to trap it.

Guy just didn't want him euthanized.
This is one of those catch 22 situations. I guess one doesn't want to put the critter down because you see it as a live, breathing animal, but from a building perspective, apparently, it's an absolute necessity.

Living in the south, I have seen the effects of raccoons and opossums, on things such as gardens and hanging around dumpsters where people walk to dispose of their household garbage.

My dad was old school and would eliminate anything as necessary and wouldn't blink an eye. I still cringe at the thought, but have to do what's necessary when absolutely necessary, but I still don't like doing it, though.
Originally Posted By: Thermo1223
I bet that was the only raccoon in SF, 5 more waiting in the woods.

Naw, there's racoons everywhere in the city. I see an equal number or racoons and *shudder* cats when I step outside. At dusk, I see racoons in groupls of up to five walk down the street. I think the racoons keep the feral cat population in check.

Originally Posted By: hotwheels
Originally Posted By: Thermo1223
I bet that was the only raccoon in SF, 5 more waiting in the woods.

Naw, there's racoons everywhere in the city. I see an equal number or racoons and *shudder* cats when I step outside. At dusk, I see racoons in groupls of up to five walk down the street. I think the racoons keep the feral cat population in check.


I should have noted that was a sarcastic comment but you proved what I was saying entirely. They are everywhere so I doubt trapping one would have mattered however it still wasn't his place to decide.

Frankly...I'd take a feral cat over a raccoon lol
Originally Posted By: ARCOgraphite
Humans are like rats destroying the planet. They are a pestilence and ubiquitous.

Trap a few.

Do NOT release.

If humans are such a problem why not do what you can to help and take yourself out. You have to start somewhere right.
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I hate reading cases like this.

I'm an animal lover, so my first instinct would be the same as this guy, save the animal, it doesn't HAVE to die. Firing a guy for showing some kindness? The boss is the animal here!

But, I do agree that for the damage animals do, a supervisor of a construction site has to protect it, and a employee that interferes with that is basically damaging company property, so firing him isn't entirely out of line.

Overall, though, I think a compromise could have been found, the guy didn't have to lose his job. But tough 'men' who run construction sites aren't about compromise - they are the BOSS, and need to show they can't be messed with, so the outcome is inevitable.
Originally Posted By: NHHEMI
Originally Posted By: ARCOgraphite
Humans are like rats destroying the planet. They are a pestilence and ubiquitous.

Trap a few.

Do NOT release.

If humans are such a problem why not do what you can to help and take yourself out. You have to start somewhere right.

Originally Posted By: NHHEMI
Originally Posted By: ARCOgraphite
Humans are like rats destroying the planet. They are a pestilence and ubiquitous.

Trap a few.

Do NOT release.

If humans are such a problem why not do what you can to help and take yourself out. You have to start somewhere right.

Some humans are heavily armed. Best leave them alone.
Originally Posted By: ARCOgraphite
Originally Posted By: NHHEMI
Originally Posted By: ARCOgraphite
Humans are like rats destroying the planet. They are a pestilence and ubiquitous.

Trap a few.

Do NOT release.

If humans are such a problem why not do what you can to help and take yourself out. You have to start somewhere right.


Just a joke man lighten up.
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