Bullet Tax

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It's always amazed me that these brain dead politicians think that enacting such localized legislation on guns/ammo will slow down criminals that routinely import hundreds of tons of drugs from foreign countries.
Originally Posted By: ChiTDI
The city/county is out of control at night. Areas are sporadically hit by drivebys and LE is handcuffed from retaliating by the same geniuses that propose these taxes.
The politicians' lip service for control is a waste of time. The cartel is establishing distribution hierarchy within the local gangs.
So I'm told.

They have the same problem in Oakland California. There is a certain group of people (in Chicago, and Oakland, and elsewhere) that want it both ways. They want the police to stop the crime, but they also want the freedom to commit the crimes. When the police try to stop crime, the people yell "racism," and "police brutality." When they don't stop the crime, the people yell "racism," because the police aren't doing enough to stop crime in their neighborhood.

This certain group of people want to live in some sort of fantasy game where when the sun comes up in the morning, everything that was destroyed the night before is back to its original self. They think that magic pixies should rebuild everything and rejuvenate the dead while everyone is asleep.
Originally Posted By: Tempest
Originally Posted By: Cujet
An ammo tax is an infringement on the 2nd amdt.

The "right" to keep and bear is not subject to a tax, or other stipulations. Regardless of what many think.

Shall not be infringed means exactly that. Infringement can take innumerable forms!

Put another way, a 5c tax on a bullet is, in essence, not significant. Many common forms of ammo are currently over a dollar a round. But, once a tax is enacted, there is no stopping the rate increase into absurd levels. The amount of a tax matters not. Could the rate rise to $100 per bullet, after a set time? Sure enough!

There has been a Federal 10% tax on handguns and 11% tax on long guns and ammo for a long time.

And the states can decide if you get to buy guns or not. Or even carry them or not.

PA is an open carry state. On foot. I need a LTCF if I want to wear in concealed or in a vehicle. Or in Philadelphia.
Originally Posted By: yonyon
Originally Posted By: Cujet
An ammo tax is an infringement on the 2nd amdt.

The "right" to keep and bear is not subject to a tax, or other stipulations. Regardless of what many think.

You and your fancy Rights! Constitution this! Quartering soldiers that! This sort of talk should be banned.

King George is that U? Obama?
Originally Posted By: Quattro Pete
So, if someone puts a few bullets in me, is that technically considered a tax refund?

That being said, if I were to take those bullets out of U would I be subject to paying another tax or would it already have been paid?? Oh sooo many variables here lol.
Originally Posted By: Cujet
An ammo tax is an infringement on the 2nd amdt.

The "right" to keep and bear is not subject to a tax, or other stipulations. Regardless of what many think.

Shall not be infringed means exactly that. Infringement can take innumerable forms!

Put another way, a 5c tax on a bullet is, in essence, not significant. Many common forms of ammo are currently over a dollar a round. But, once a tax is enacted, there is no stopping the rate increase into absurd levels. The amount of a tax matters not. Could the rate rise to $100 per bullet, after a set time? Sure enough!

Doesn't the Pittman/Robertson act already tax sales of hunting equip.? Either way they can kiss my arse.
Many cities have problems with violent crime and recent reports indicate violent crime has begun to increase recently. The city of Chicago has crafted a strategy to deal with gun-related crime that is a serious case of life imitating art. The city is proposing a bullet tax and firearm tax, which would add surcharges that would, ideally, price criminals out of gun crime.
(read with intense sarcasm) Smart Chicago, cause criminals never steal things they cannot afford. I am sure they buy their ammo at the reputable stores just like all their guns *shakes head*
Originally Posted By: supton
Just bullets, or does it apply to loaded cartridges too?

I suspect it'll die pretty quickly.

You must be following the loose tobacco vs finished cigarette taxing discrepancy.
Originally Posted By: tristinOrange
Many cities have problems with violent crime and recent reports indicate violent crime has begun to increase recently. The city of Chicago has crafted a strategy to deal with gun-related crime that is a serious case of life imitating art. The city is proposing a bullet tax and firearm tax, which would add surcharges that would, ideally, price criminals out of gun crime.

Was this a serious post?
Originally Posted By: hatt
Originally Posted By: tristinOrange
Many cities have problems with violent crime and recent reports indicate violent crime has begun to increase recently. The city of Chicago has crafted a strategy to deal with gun-related crime that is a serious case of life imitating art. The city is proposing a bullet tax and firearm tax, which would add surcharges that would, ideally, price criminals out of gun crime.

Was this a serious post?

My thought exactly.

I took it to be humorous, as it is...
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