BITOG Standard of Conduct

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Staff member
May 14, 2007
Indianapolis, IN

The owner and staff at BITOG encourage discussion and sharing in regards to all allowable topics within the context of this site's endeavors. As our membership grows in numbers, we become more diverse; that comes with both blessings and challenges. We want all to enjoy their time here; please share with, as well as learn from, others. Agreement, debate and even disagreement are all acceptable as long as it happens with civility; the Golden Rule is our guiding principle.

To that end, we have Rules and policies as to how all members shall act/interact on BITOG. Please understand that the Rules are not a maximum limit, but rather a minimum threshold of the overall, total societal conduct we expect and enforce at our sole discretion. Appropriate conduct is embraced and welcome; inappropriate conduct will not be tolerated on any level and will be dealt with accordingly. This is a privately owned, family-friendly site; we insist upon behavior that supports and does not contradict our mantra.

Membership Identity shall be singular for each unique person who registers at BITOG. Each person (human being) who registers shall create and use only one member account profile.
- Do not create multiple member identities for a single person.
- Do not re-register as a different member profile identity if you have been banned or otherwise restricted from the site.
- If you have more than one member profile, you are required to notify the site Staff so we can reduce you down to one member account.
Any attempt(s) to create or use multiple member account profiles for the purpose of gaining entry to BITOG for any reason will be interpreted as and considered to be cyber-tresspassing and subject to futher actions, including potential for legal action(s). If you believe your account(s) have been compromised and/or locked in error, contact the site Administrator via email.
NOTE: You may change your member display name for your member account; contact the Administration for details and process.

Do not initiate conversations and/or discuss materials concerning the following topics: Religion, Sex, Politics (RSP)
Past experience has shown that those topics can't be discussed without conflict. Implication, innuendo and such similar efforts are also unacceptable. Hot-Button topics such as climate change, etc are also unwarranted.

Do not initiate or participate in conversations and/or link materials which promote or encourage illegal or prohibited behavior(s). Examples of such prohibited content would be, but are not limited to, the following:
- products or "how to" information regarding deleting/defeating emmisions control systems.
- products or "how to" information regarding illegal modifications to firearms such as Glock "switches", illegal trigger conversions, etc.
- exchange of products/services which are against the host entity rules/regulations (ala "sharing" streaming services, violating terms of singular account systems, etc.)
Any conversation or information which can be reasonably interpreted as facilitating illegal/prohibited acts will be grounds for thread/post removal and actions taken against the member(s). Any violation should be immediately be brought to the attention of BITOG staff via the "report" feature within the thread/post(s).

"Artificial Intelligence" (AI) generated content is prohibited.
BITOG is a place for people to discuss their passions, ideas, concerns and points of view. BITOG is not, in any manner, a place to create, post, deposit or display any AI generated text, videos, audio, materials, etc. Any such content, confirmed or suspected, will be removed and the member will be subject to appropriate action(s).

The word censor/profanity filter shall not be ignored or bypassed
Use the preview tool on all posts before posting.
- If a word is marked as censored by the automated filter then that word is not allowed; do not use that word. (example: ****)
- If you have to fool the censor/filter by using alternate spellings, spacing and/or special characters, do not use the alternate spelling of that word. (example: $&^#)
- Abbreviations which contain words which would otherwise be caught by the filter shall not be used.
- Acronyms which embed illicit words within the character string are prohibited; do not use that acronym.
- Vulgar slang words and expressions are not allowed.
The ever-changing and evolving electronic world in which we live makes it difficult to have the automated censor catch all violations. Violations may also be caught by Moderator intervention. The bottom line is that you will be held accountable for any and all things you post, regardless of how that content is expressed.

We do not support nor advocate for Legal and Medical advice
BITOG is not equipped or intended to be a source of information, advice, aid or general curiosity for those subjects. Seeking Legal or Medical advice from anonymous strangers is inherently ill advised.

Trolling, baiting, doxing, spoofing, swatting, harassing, etc ...
Disruptive conduct means to incite conflict or data-mine for nefarious purposes. The definition of and response to disruptive conduct are the sole discretion of Staff.

Linked materials shall be of acceptable nature
Today's technology gives us many opportunities to share a wealth of materials and images from other sources. Prior to posting anything here, it is your responsibility to review the material completely and assure it is in keeping with our rules and policies; it shall not include embedded content which will violate our tenets. This includes but is not limited to all visual and audible content, as well as any trademark and copyright status. Further, do not post video links/articles which are easily found elsewhere, simply for the purpose of reposting them here without adding your own substantial meaning or credible dialog. See our statement on copyright materials and exceptions below.

Policing the site
Our moderators cannot be everywhere at once. We count on the dutiful eye of each member to help us keep this site in order. We ask that you help us keep a great site going; please alert Moderators if violations of the Forum Rules or Standard of Conduct occur. Use the "report" function within a post or thread to bring items to our Staff attention.

Personal responsibility
Each member is expected to review and adhere to the Forum Rules Terms and Conditions as agreed upon joining our membership, as well as this Standard of Conduct.

Rules and legal statements here:

Copyright topic:

Notification process here:

Complaint process here:
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