Been a while

Feb 6, 2021
Well guys my absence wasn’t too much, like two months i’ve been gone. Pretty much i just graduated basic training two days ago, still have three months left. It was an interesting experience. I do miss the forums for sure. I wonder what new futuristic oil has been released
I got temporary tinnitus because i forgot to put on ear protection being the assistant gunner for this dude on the m240 m lol
Congratulations, Outstanding job!

What was your favorite part?
White Phase and blue phase where they teach you how to use the m4 carbine, Infantry basic is a little different in a way where you also shoot through night optics as-well as infrared lasers and the grenade launcher. Also you do swim , i drowned during the water part lol

Right now the infantary part which is weeks 10 to 22 we are learning how to move under fire along with working in platoon size elements.

Last week we spent a week learning maneuvering under indirect fire.
Nice!! Glad you are having a good time. The skills you learn will last a lifetime - take as many as you can once you are fully qualified. The more ASI's you pick up, the more you improve your promotion and general life skills too.

Once you finish AIT - have you thought about your secondary MOS?
Nice!! Glad you are having a good time. The skills you learn will last a lifetime - take as many as you can once you are fully qualified. The more ASI's you pick up, the more you improve your promotion and general life skills too.

Once you finish AIT - have you thought about your secondary MOS?

Going to college right after i get out of here, so no secondary mos for me but dont really know.
We recently got done with the final ftx, we started playing around with strikers and Bradley and its amazing how such big 70,000 pound vehicles can even exist its just a troop carrier with armor everywhere. Saw a m1a2 abrams start which was crazy