Bear Stearns Bought for $2 a Share !

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"He figured that he could draw resources from the household ..prosper by them, but that the household itself wasn't his problem."

Not unlike quietly listening to those in rural areas 'who have made it on their own', on land that may have been originally developed with railroad land grants, using electricty that the government forced utility companies to provide under rural electrification programs, using federaly managed water for livestock and/or crops, crop sibsidies, federally supported timber sales, subsidized roads, etc., all the while complaining about the government.
Originally Posted By: Gary Allan
I'm all for a brighter future, VeeDubb.

I had a friend's son who lived at home. He somehow thought that he "could do his own thing" and that his activities were 100% independent of everything around him. He figured that he could draw resources from the household ..prosper by them, but that the household itself wasn't his problem. When his sister and father got sick, it was "their problem" and that they should take care of it somehow because it was getting in the way of the stuff he needed to progress in his life.

Gary, I never had doubts about your intentions. And btw, I don't know anybody who wants a darker future. The problem is there is a huge chasm between good intentions and good outcomes. History is full of examples of idealistic utopian types who literally created [censored] on earth because of ideological stubbornness and a refusal to allow facts to get in the way of pre-conceived beliefs. Marx devoted his entire life to creating a blueprint for relieving society from the evils of capitalism. But good intentions combined with ideological stubborness and naivete is a deadly combo, as the 90 million people who were systematically exterminated under communism will attest to. And that was only the tip of the iceburg.
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