“Barn find” BMW e28 / 535i stick shift Lazarus restore project


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Oct 19, 2014
OK, general topic probably already covered somewhere but multiple questions about how to bring a 1987 535i back to life, after “sitting” for 10 yrs.

OK, it’s my “barn.” For years I would at least fire this baby up every so often to keep the motor lubrication condition in check, but that lapsed a good 5 yrs ago. IE, it hasn’t been cranked lately. Battery has been dead since, therefore no attempted crank. Up to that point, it always cranked up instantly and it sounded smooth. Will try again soon, just wanted some advice before trying.

1) should I use a fogging oil (such as Sta Bil, sprayed into the spark plug holes…or otherwise) before attempting to crank?
2) Sta Bil fuel stabilizer went into the gas tank…but probably 5 yrs ago. I would love to skip draining the gas tank! Thinking maybe I can siphon / pump out most the old gas.
3) oil is relatively clean: Castrol 20w50 GTX. See attachment. But it’s old…I mean OLD. Can I fire it up just to see, before doing an oil change?
4) I think I can find updated GTX, but should I switch to M1 5w-50 or 15w-50? Or other? Note on attached: notice how service manual (1991 vintage Bentley manual) shows 20w-50 pretty good for our local Texas climate, whereas 15w-50 deficient for over 104 F, better below 14 F which we rarely see. Of course, oils back then were SE or SF…obviously conventional, not synthetic. Modern oils probably better at high temp, unless there is something specific to that vintage BMW that REQUIRES such thick oil.)
5) if I replace with Mobil 1, I believe the 5w-50 is a Euro spec, whereas the 15w-50 is more ILSAC (???). Looking for Walmart alternatively, initially. Any comments/suggestions?
6) obviously I need to flush brake fluid, maybe some other fluids, (SAE 80 in the manual trans??

Once resurrected, I intend to sell. As cool as this car was, I prefer my 07 Subaru Outback Turbo (suspension heavily modified) for several reasons (love wagons, for my lifestyle).

The body is a 9-, the interior is an 8+, the wheels are still metric (beautiful German spec “ALCOA” wheels …perhaps Alpina level, but yeah, 390mm is an obsolete spec. North Texas car, no rust, no bodywork. Tires are OLD, though 90%+ tread. TRX 220’s like 6 & 7 series instead of 200’’s, looks right. Too bad. Service records were kept, but I would need to locate them.

In garage for 10yrs. Suggestions? Especially about protecting engine…that lovely inline six.

Curious what @edyvw would say

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There are two topics in this thread:
1. Firing up a stored car after ten years
2. Fluid selection for a 1987 BMW

So, siphon off as much gas as possible. Fill with fresh gasoline. Pull the plugs - spray a fogging type oil in there to give the rings a chance of moving (if you’re lucky, they have not rusted to the cylinder walls, the fogging oil is just for start-up). Install a new battery. Be prepared for a ton of smoke as that oil burns off. I would change the oil before you try starting it.

Oils and fluids are much improved since 1987, so I would follow the advice already given. Can’t go wrong with Mobil 1 0W40 - a great choice for your engine.

There is something quite cool about a nearly 40 year old car on the road. I wish you the very best in this effort.
There are two topics in this thread:
1. Firing up a stored car after ten years
2. Fluid selection for a 1987 BMW

. I wish you the very best in this effort.
Thanks, I will need it.

Slow progress, now distracted by more pressing issues. But, I appear to be following or planning to follow the general consensus steps, so thanks for those tips so far. However, bought some cheap Delvac HDEO CK / SP 15w40, since it won’t be in the car for very long. Synth blend, I believe.

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and where are the pics of this barn find?
I’m out of town, maybe for up to a week or so, then need to get at least one of my Subaru’s operational (both are down at moment. I’m down to a Ford Transit van as only transportation). Then, more out-of-town family obligations (I won’t share details). No pictures until BMW emerges from garage…could be a long time. Sorry. Again, I apologized earlier for being a “tease.” Didn’t mean to be. But at least there is some fogging oil in the cylinders, and the gas tank mostly drained. There are plenty of pictures on the internet of Cirrus Blue E28’s, so just pick one…mine looks like that. If / when, this thing is sellable, or at least out of the tight garage, there will be pictures. I don’t know, mod’s, do I need to change the name of this thread to “old BMW surrounded by clutter in small garage for years.”?