Article on US Money Supply


$100 Site Donor 2024
Nov 28, 2014
Steilacoom, WA
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To evaluate this data agnostically, it must be noted that the nation's central bank didn't exist in 1878 or 1893. Further, monetary and fiscal policy have come a long way since the Great Depression. The probability of a depression occurring today given the wealth of fiscal and monetary tools available is low.

I needed a good laugh for Monday. Sometimes the ivory tower analysts could come to better conclusions by doing something as simple as visiting a grocery store.
I needed a good laugh for Monday. Sometimes the ivory tower analysts could come to better conclusions by doing something as simple as visiting a grocery store.
The probability may be “low” but the breadth and depth will make everything else pale in comparison. Corporations are going to come out of this smelling like 4 hotels on Boardwalk or Park Place.

They weren’t making empty threats when they told you that you’d own nothing and enjoy it.
If the money supply is shrinking, they can just print more, no?
I think it's a trillion dollars every 3 months or so. It's quite amazing to see how the dollar is being inflated. Especially given the push to de-dollarize around the world which makes it difficult to export our inflation.

There's a very fierce economic war going on behind the smokescreen of the two hot conflicts. Quite fascinating to watch the struggle.