Anyone own/cook with a Nuwave Oven?

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Jul 26, 2015
Southern Indiana
My mother gave me a Nuwave oven for Christmas. I'd never heard of it and planned on taking it back since it said "as seen on TV" on the box. I'm not a fan of anything that needs an infomercial to sell it. Amazon had favorable reviews.

I asked for a rotisserie oven and ended up with this thing - decided to keep it after reading the reviews. Just wondering if anyone here had any experience with them. Wife and I are testing it with a whole chicken and we are half way through the 68 minute cook time.

For those of you who are familiar with the oven, what are the pros and cons?

We have one of the originals. Has to be close to 20 years I guess. Still cooks well. Cleanup at least for us was not as easy as it seems (our model) but not a deal breaker We bought the extender ring. For many years we used it for the majority of cooking. Different level racks worked but again for us were a slight hassle. Original model was noisy by todays standards...not sure how mew ones are noise wise. It is one of those appliances that work just have to break old habits for constant use. Enjoy!
I had one of the generics for a few years.

Found it really handy to do Sunday lunch "fry-ups", frozen french fries, Chiko Roles, prawn cutletts, fish pieces etc. No frier.

Did a good chicken, and very nice baked potatoes and the like.

When we redid the kitchen, we got a fan forced oven(s) that did a bit better job, and the benchtop oven went.
I love our new wave.its good for salmon or fries
It cooks quicker with less heat used less electric.
Just finished eating.
Our whole chicken was slightly over 4 lbs and the instruction showed a cook time of 17-21 minutes/pound. I figured we would start on the low end and calculated the cook time at 68 minutes ( 4 lbs * 17 minutes.) We used nature's seasoning on the breasts and on the outer skin. Also stuffed in some onions and baby carrots to help add some flavor. After 68 minutes, meat thermometer showed an internal temp of 190-195 degrees. Chicken was fully cooked but drier than we like. Wife made it a point to mention that at least a couple times while we ate.

Next time I'll shorten the cook time by 10-15 minutes and check. We are used to cooking birds in our fan forced oven and roasting pan filled with 1-1.5 cups of chicken broth. Heavily seasoned (no salt or butter) and stuffed with onions, carrots and potatoes. They always come out moist and tasty.

Our next test run will be with a 9.8 lb bone-in turkey breast.
Here are couple of pictures. The carrots and onion cuts on the rack didn't do too well, over cooked. Carrots and onions stuffed in the chicken were fine.


Not sure about the Nu wave. Saw them but got my wife an Instant Pot Electric pressure cooker and she cooked chicken and it comes out falling off bones. Took 12 minutes for entire frozen chicken to finish. More like a crock pot though than baked.
We have one and like it. Quicker than a conventional oven and healthier than frying in grease.
Is there any way to fish a remote thermometer probe in there?

I received a roaster setup last year and used it this year for Christmas dinner. Even checking it regularly it got away from me being very done at the 2hr mark for a 14.5lb turkey. It ended up being a little dry, but still quite edible.
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