Anyone know how to test installed solar panels?

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Apr 11, 2004
los angeles
I have some installed and I noticed that out of 4X225w panels,I'm only getting around 315w and 95w, give or take. The person that installed them said to test each one with a voltmeter,but I'm not familiar with panels. They are DC,so can i hook up meter leads any way? also,if they are hooked up in series, is it possible to block the sun on a panel,one at a time, to see if the power drops or stays the same? I am using a 77w Sunny Boy inverter. Thanks
disconnect the string and test the voltage output of each panel independently

and, if you have a good meter, test the current amps

compare numbers to mfgr specs
How do you know if the day is sunny enough for the panels to make their rated power? Is there a light meter reading that you need to take?
Voltage doesn't mean much unless it's under load. The spec should be X volts into x resistance at x amps.
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Originally Posted By: daves66nova
I have some installed and I noticed that out of 4X225w panels,I'm only getting around 315w and 95w, give or take. Thanks

Then you've already done the test. I don't understand your results. How did you get those numbers? Why a 77watt inverter when you have 900 watts capacity?
Originally Posted By: turtlevette
Originally Posted By: daves66nova
I have some installed and I noticed that out of 4X225w panels,I'm only getting around 315w and 95w, give or take. Thanks

Then you've already done the test. I don't understand your results. How did you get those numbers? Why a 77 watt inverter when you have 900 watts capacity?

Oops,i meant a Sunny Boy 700U grid-tie 700-watt Inverter.
Originally Posted By: A_Harman
How do you know if the day is sunny enough for the panels to make their rated power? Is there a light meter reading that you need to take?
I've checked it on sunny days and at different hours.
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