Any settings I can use to change BITOG back?

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Aug 31, 2014
Hello All,

I, like some others are having a hard time with the new look. It is hurting my eyes when I'm trying to read. Is there any settings I can change to make it easier on me?
Originally Posted by Timo325
Hello All,

I, like some others are having a hard time with the new look. It is hurting my eyes when I'm trying to read. Is there any settings I can change to make it easier on me?

Have you looked?

There are 13 color options at the bottom of the screen. Layout preferences in options. Surely, one of them will stop hurting your eyes.

Did you read through any of the thread started by Wayne about rehosting? Lots of settings/appearance/functionality discussion there.
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With the old style, when I came to this site on active topics, I could see the last 8 or so posts. Now I only see the latest 3. Each post is to large. Unless I can change this, I'd have to say I like the old style better.
Quattro Pete,

Thanks for your recommendation. I've switched over. It's a lot better on my eyes. Now I'm finding how to make the words bigger without making the rest of the browser appear larger.
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Try UBB Central Zen theme in your preferences. It's easy on my old eyes.
Originally Posted by Timo325
Now find how to make the words bigger without making the rest of the browser appear larger.
What browser do you use?
Firefox allows you to zoom text only. Use Ctrl and + key. I'm sure other browsers have that option, too.
Google chrome has an option for zoom at the top right hand corner of the page(under the X). Click the button, and you can change zoom there. I keep mine set at 110%. I can read text much easier that way.
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The first thing I check when I get on the site is the "Recent Topics" on the left. This pane shows on my desktop, but it does not show on my Samsung phone, tried Chrome and Samsung browsers, same problem. Is there a fix to this? Thanks.

PS I got it back by switching to Desktop Site....
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Originally Posted by windeye
The first thing I check when I get on the site is the "Recent Topics" on the left. This pane shows on my desktop, but it does not show on my Samsung phone, tried Chrome and Samsung browsers, same problem. Is there a fix to this? Thanks.

There is a active topics link at the top of the page. Maybe that is it now.
Originally Posted by PimTac
There is a active topics link at the top of the page. Maybe that is it now.

"Active Topics" is different from "Recent Topics."

In another thread, Wayne mentioned that whether you see the "Recent Topics" bar on the side depends on the resolution of your screen, which is pribably why people are not seeing it on their phones. I think Wayne mentioned he was working on this.
Yes, either in your preferences or at the bottom of the screen. It doesn't always show at the bottom of my screed, IDKY!
So, I can go into my preferences. I changed mine to LIME GREEN which is easiest on my eyes of the choices offered. I still prefer the light/ice blue that I once had.
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Originally Posted by Quattro Pete
Originally Posted by PimTac
There is a active topics link at the top of the page. Maybe that is it now.

"Active Topics" is different from "Recent Topics."

In another thread, Wayne mentioned that whether you see the "Recent Topics" bar on the side depends on the resolution of your screen, which is pribably why people are not seeing it on their phones. I think Wayne mentioned he was working on this.

Okay I got ya. It was something I never really used before.
I like the look except it won't display the new threads on the left side.

Please someone fix this!
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