Anatomy of a Sprint (cycling)

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May 26, 2003
Central Coast, Calif.
Good video of how a sprint works in pro cycling.

Ken Hanson is a friend of mine. He's one of the best sprinters in the USA and is national Criterion champion this year.
Funny, I've ridden with that guy on the Santa Barbara world championships ride over the last couple of years. He's a fast dude. If you think that looks aggressive, you should see the Sunday World's referees!

I typically spend all of February down there but didn't see him this year--I'm guessing he moved out the area?
Originally Posted By: JOD
Funny, I've ridden with that guy on the Santa Barbara world championships ride over the last couple of years. He's a fast dude. If you think that looks aggressive, you should see the Sunday World's referees!

I typically spend all of February down there but didn't see him this year--I'm guessing he moved out the area?

Are you talking about Ken? He lives in San Diego now.

In the overhead shot of Hanson starting the sprint then later Farrar passes Hanson, its because Hanson sprinted just a bit too early. Americans finishing 1-2 was quite an upset.

Its amazing these guys put out over 2 hp for a sprint at the end of a 100+ mile race.
Does anyone know why Tyler (Farrar) is not riding 'La Grande Boucle' this year, or is he in the field, but has not done anything yet (like even contest a sprint), so no mention of him??
Originally Posted By: tom slick
Its amazing these guys put out over 2 hp for a sprint at the end of a 100+ mile race.

Yes, and a half mile long, 50 MPH top end sprint at THAT!!

Let's see Usain do that after running a Marathon!
Originally Posted By: tom slick

Are you talking about Ken? He lives in San Diego now.

Yep, Hansen. He lived in SB for a number of years, which is where I'd run into him on the big Sunday ride down there. Always seemed like a good dude, bigger than your average bike racer but he still goes uphill OK for a sprinter.

Tyler, I was racing against when he was a junior racing in the senior races! It was pretty obvious even then that he was going to be really good. He actually lives just up the street from me. As far as why Tyler's not in the race, you'll have to ask his boss! They went chips in with a team of guys who can target the overall. We'll see how that works out for them..
Maybe they though his chances against the likes of; Sagan, Cavendish, etc., et al, were nil anyway, so concentrate on getting Ryder at least onto the final podium, with a FULL squad of climbers and 'roulers', and forget about the lead out men and the 'gallops'??
Did anyone catch Simon Gerrans' stage 3 winning, finish line 'bike throw' yesterday??

It looked like a classic track match sprinter's throw.
(I'm guessing he came from/started on the track, like so many of the other great Ozzie road sprinters did??)
I'd be uneasy sprinting in a pack of maniacs ... it makes me think of Djamolidine Abdujaparov's crash in the 1991 Tour De France.
Although he initially didn't hit another rider.
Yes, did you see Boasson Hagen trying to go where there was NO space in yesterday's sprint?!? Talk about AGRESSION!!

I always knew the 'Manx Missile' was at least a little bit crazy, but it was confirmed yesterday during his chase back through the team cars, after his crash (and this was not even during a sprint!).

They definitely are a different breed, these pro road sprinters, and they seem to have the fear centers of their brains TOTALLY surgically removed.
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