Amsoil- Growing

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Nov 16, 2002
In the latest issue of Amsoil's Action News Mag. there was some research done about synthetics and the internet. According to the data, Amsoil was looked up somewhere around 12k times vs 5k for Mobil 1, 4k for Pennzoil etc. I don't remember the exact figures but the point was that Amsoil is growing quite a bit.
Amsoil sales are growing, but at what rate we may never know. The beni's of being a private company.

As for those internet figures, to me they are meaniningless, or maybe they just mean there are a lot of Amsoil DEALER websites out there!
I was wondering if they took into account the fact that their are so many Amsoil dealer webpages. I think their are a lot of potential customers out their that do like the idea of extended drains. What is intersting is how the industry is going in such a "green" direction, yet drains are at the same time trying to be extended. If 20wts become the norm, can you still push drains out to 15k miles?
From time to time I think about going back to using Amsoil. I did use some Amsoil products in the past, but I used their XL-7500 or whatever it is called motor oil. I didn't use their full synthetic oil.

It certainly looks from UOAs that Amsoil is very good. Based on what I have seen I would have to say that Amsoil generally looks better then Royal Purple or Redline. But Mobil 1 has pretty good UOAs also and Mobil 1 is available locally.

My guess is that Amsoil is actually somewhat better then Mobil 1. But you can get into all kinds of arguments as to whether the difference is really all that great. And for that matter, Schaeffer's blend is very good and also capable of long drains.

If I did use Amsoil I would not try to go 25,000 or 35,000 miles with it. I think the safe thing to do would be to cut that mileage in half for each oil change.

I kind of think for me the Schaeffer's blend would make more sense. I could still drive a long way, I know it is very good stuff, and I get real nervous once I start getting past 6000 miles on one oil change.

And then too there are conventional motor oils that are plenty good enough in most cars and trucks. Hard to beat Chevron, Pennzoil, and Castrol and 5000-6000 miles oil changes would also be possible with these. Throw in a Auto-RX cleaning every 25,000 miles and you are good to go.

It is really hard to decide.
But I am glad that there are companies like Amsoil around to challenge the status quo and 'push the envelope.'

It is really hard to decide.

Completely agree. Amsoil and M1 are constantly trying to beat each other out. Both are excellent but as you said, it comes down to a price/performance issue and whether you getting the extra performance. I think in some cases, you are getting and some cases your not. Depends on the car/conditions. M1 is also API so other additives have to be used to offset the higher doses of cheap yet effective ZDP. The more competition the better.
Punch in Synthetic oil into Google and see how many Amsoil distributor web sites pop up on the first page alone. I just started reading the posts here because most most of the links on the net were to Amsoil suppliers. I'm not spending an hour clicking links only to find it goes to another Amsoil web site. When you have read one you have read them all.
Would you say that Mobil is mass marketing selling a synthetic with cost reduction where as Amsoil is the small guys selling there product for quality. It's like American beer, it's mass market where as the small guys the import beers sell by quality. Mobil is a good synthetic, just look at the UOA, and Amsoil I think is a notch better. Maybe it comes to cost and extended oil intervals, but engine oil is of better quality today and hope it gets better....
Remember using Amsoil in the 80's with a local distributer Chuck's Corvette and he had loyal costumers but mostly race car drivers used the AMsoil very small sales...he mostly sold it as a hobby. Now his shipment has increase so much that he doesn't know what to bring in cause his supply goes out so fast. I think the internet is making people more aware of synthetic oil, which many didn't understand about synthetic oil.
Well, now that Redline will be carried at Advance Auto Parts, I think RL's sales will go up. Mobil 1 is mass market, but it is their flagship product and a lot goes into it. When comparing Amsoil to M1, you have to also remember one is fully API and the others aren't. That being said, I think Mobil is using a more advanced additive package. Amsoil supplier websites, as biased as they are, definitely contribute to the increase in synthetic oil sales.

I was speaking to a Mobil tech from New Zealand when I was inquiring about Mobil 1 using a bit of Grp III in their 10w-30 formula. He said they receive a lot of emails about Amsoil. His response regarding Amsoil was that many are being fooled by some of their testing which has no relevancy in an actual motor. He was mainly refering to the 4-ball wear scar. Think about how many people look at those graphs and say "wow, Amsoil will protect my engine 150% better". It's just simply not true.
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