AC Delco PF47 with E-core?

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Originally posted by beanoil:
Yep, 3 weeks ago at AZ. Looks just like a ST, but blue paint. FG may be able to tell us if the media is the same as ST, but I'm betting it's not.

You'd be correct...the media isn't the same as ST.

GM has approved the E-core design...
Now I'm wondering if the M1 EP will become an E-core filter since it's made by Champion Labs.

It's not important to me...

I know this goes against the grain of BITOG dogma..but silicon anti-drain is not a big deal to me.
Back when I ran AC's, they always had black ADBV's. Silicon is usually orange. Having once had sludge problems, I am running short OCI's and never had trouble with a black ADBV. If you are running longer OCI's, and have had trouble in the past, you may want to check further.

Silicon ADBV's may be one more thing some overly obsess over. For me it is short OCI's and sticking to Pennzoil.
Yep, 3 weeks ago at AZ. Looks just like a ST, but blue paint. FG may be able to tell us if the media is the same as ST, but I'm betting it's not.
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