600 miles to go on ARX rinse, and guess what....

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Mar 30, 2005
Greenville, TX
....my oil leak is gone.

I had a main seal leak that I was planning to get repaired when I have the timing belt replaced.

But I wanted to see if ARX could stop seal leaks, and it would help me put off having to pay for the timing belt replacement.

Everyday before I leave work, I would look under my car and see this softball size oil puddle on the parking lot.

So I started using the ARX. I would check under the car to see if the leak stopped, but it was always there. Then during the rinse phase I would still check. Still there.

I finally thought that maybe I had a cracked seal but the treatment would still be good for the inside of the engine.

I didn't check under the car for weeks, but Friday I thought why not give it another look.

BINGO, it was not there. I didn't believe my eyes, so I looked up toward the radiator area then back around the cat area. No signs of any oil at all on the parking lot.

Just thought I would share this info for anyone who might have a similar situation. YMMV.
Auto-Rx cleans ring packs . After Auto-Rx has cleaned your engine go to Auto-Rx Maintenance Plan
Auto-Rx in a maintenance amount keeps ring packs clean (don't have to do another Auto-Rx application)
Auto-Rx is NOT a flush (Draino is a flush ) Auto-Rx is a NON HAZARDOUS metal cleaner. Auto-Rx works if you work it.Just read posts above.

No other product does what Auto-Rx does. The Auto-Rx Guarantee says it all.
I am sure both of the above posters followed the application instructions found on www.auto-rx.com thats why they got results.If they want to go back to synthetic oil after Auto-Rx treatment is done, and not have seal leak start again add 2 ounces of Auto-Rx with each oil change (another benefit of the Auto-Rx maintenace plan) We use the chemistry of non synthetic oil to restore the correct pliability to the seal(Auto-Rx does not swell seals)we hold that pliability with oil's other than "Dino" by 2 ounces of Auto-Rx in the crankcase.
I'm not trying to be contentious, but feel obliged to point out, the only Auto RX guarantee I could find on your website simply says you'll refund the purchase price if the customer is not satisfied. That's the basic "sucker bet" guarantee used by many dubious products, since statistically marketers know that only a small fraction of customers will ever claim a refund, no matter how worthless a product is.

Seeing as how a product like this has the potential to destroy an engine, a guarantee limited to refund of purchase price is pretty small potatoes - in fact, your guarantee could be interpreted as being more for your protection than ours, since it limits your liability to the cost of the product!

Please don't take this to be an attack on your product, which may for all I know be a very good one. Rather, just a reality check on your guarantee.

Originally posted by kyle morley:
I'm not trying to be contentious, but feel obliged to point out, the only Auto RX guarantee I could find on your website simply says you'll refund the purchase price if the customer is not satisfied. That's the basic "sucker bet" guarantee used by many dubious products, since statistically marketers know that only a small fraction of customers will ever claim a refund, no matter how worthless a product is.

Seeing as how a product like this has the potential to destroy an engine, a guarantee limited to refund of purchase price is pretty small potatoes - in fact, your guarantee could be interpreted as being more for your protection than ours, since it limits your liability to the cost of the product!

Please don't take this to be an attack on your product, which may for all I know be a very good one. Rather, just a reality check on your guarantee.

Dude, OK...you might make sense with the guarantee explaination, but I don't get sqwat for posting what I experiened.

Lots of folks post good results with ARX.

I know, I know...your just pointing out a qoute. But before I purchased ARX, I read alot of good and some nil results folks had with the stuff. I'm a big enough boy to make a decision on my own about what I read. Terry Dyson even said it could give positive results.

That sounds to me like it's not gonna kill my engine.

I didn't even mention that my throttle response has improved, also.

I really thought that my seal was damaged and needed replacing. I didn't put enough faith in ARX to clean the seal...well guess what?...it did what Frank and Terry and the vast majority of users said it would and did do. FWIW...Thanks Frank and BITOG.
I guess I could post my oil that I used?

Delvac 1300 15W-40 for cleaning phase.

NAPA 10W-30 dino for the rinse phase.

Used NAPA Golds on both phases.

I'll drain my oil next weekend and I'll TRY and cut open my filter and take pics -n- post um.

Originally posted by kyle morley:
I'm not trying to be contentious, but feel obliged to point out, the only Auto RX guarantee I could find on your website simply says you'll refund the purchase price if the customer is not satisfied. That's the basic "sucker bet" guarantee used by many dubious products, since statistically marketers know that only a small fraction of customers will ever claim a refund, no matter how worthless a product is.

Seeing as how a product like this has the potential to destroy an engine, a guarantee limited to refund of purchase price is pretty small potatoes - in fact, your guarantee could be interpreted as being more for your protection than ours, since it limits your liability to the cost of the product!

Please don't take this to be an attack on your product, which may for all I know be a very good one. Rather, just a reality check on your guarantee.

I'm just curious-how could AutoRX destroy an engine? There is ample evidence that AutoRX has saved many an engine (one of mine included) but I don't ever recall a case where AutoRX has caused damage. I have no problem with the guarantee-if the customer is not happy then the price is refunded. Sounds pretty clear cut to me. Other than gross negligence on the part of the customer I don't think there is any way to harm an engine with AutoRX.

If you're looking for a guarantee on the engine itself that would seem a bit strange. Since chances are the engines that AutoRX is going into are exhibiting problems to begin with-it's made clear that AutoRX won't fix mechanical problems. The "reality check" is that anything beyond a refund of the purchase price would be foolish.
Of course, if Frank would start paying for the rebuilding of old, crappy engines that used A-Rx, he would be a very astute businessman!
CQUG4R, Auto-RX worked for me also. I had a Saturn SL2 car that had a small seal leak. I had been changing oil every 3000 miles so I really did not think there would be a lot of sludge in my engine. But after the Auto-RX cleaning the seal leak stopped and the first oil filter I removed from the car before the rinse phase looked like it had been getting filled up with sludge. Apparently Saturns may have had a problem with sludge building up around the rings. All I know is the seal leak stopped.

There used to be a guy at this web site (I don't know if he is still here) who was a mechanic who worked on Toyota cars and trucks. He said that Auto-RX had worked for him several times. Terry is an expert and he says that Auto-RX is good. All of this is good enough for me. In fact I need to order more Auto-RX.

Auto-RX is one of the very few automotive products I believe in. I have gotten good results with Gummout Regaine fuel system cleaner in the clear bottle available at Wal-Mart. And Lugegard products have worked for me in some applications. The list of stuff I will use in any car or truck owned by me is getting smaller and smaller.
I think there is a culture of skepticism here, and given the snake-oil nature of many additives, it is warranted.

Having said that, I do think it's kind of silly to go after Frank for his warranty... no one in Frank's position in his right mind would warranty engines and transmissions... there are just too many variables, and too many people out there trying to get something for nothing.

I also doubt that ARX has even the most remote ability to harm an engine.

Anyway, skepticism is a good thing when applied properly and appropriately, but it can get out of hand when used for the wrong purposes.
".. no one in Frank's position in his right mind would warranty engines and transmissions... there are just too many variables, and too many people out there trying to get something for nothing."

Amen and amen.
Both the OP and the first replier:

Please post this in the AutoRX Results Megathread so users can see that its working for you guys!

It helps to have a database of all the BITOG users who have used the product. Thanks!

I wonder how much $ this will save now that your leak is gone.
Auto-Rx can do no harm it is not oil based or solvent based,it is a natural ecological formulated metal cleaner, before you make comments on our warrranty read the FAQ. We work on the honor system
you expect Auto-Rx to work as stated on our web sites, we expect you to follow application instructions. Thats it. Auto-Rx does not fix broken parts.There is no potential to damage anything.

Originally posted by Big O Dave:
I think there is a culture of skepticism here, and given the snake-oil nature of many additives, it is warranted.

Having said that, I do think it's kind of silly to go after Frank for his warranty... no one in Frank's position in his right mind would warranty engines and transmissions... there are just too many variables, and too many people out there trying to get something for nothing.

I also doubt that ARX has even the most remote ability to harm an engine.

Anyway, skepticism is a good thing when applied properly and appropriately, but it can get out of hand when used for the wrong purposes.

Well said.
Its the slow methodical cleaning that is the built in key to safely dissolve deposits while you drive. The product is unique in this discipline. Especially when you look at some of motor pictures of valve trains posted on this site. You definitly want to be patient, follow instructions, you'll alway get good results.
Why does Auto-RX occasionally create seal leaks on engines? I remember something about cleaning up a "false seal" but the possibility of Auto-RX creating a rear main seal leak is scarry. On the ARX mega thread there are quite a few instances of people talking about new rear main seal leaks after using ARX. Come to think of it I will start a new thread.
If the "Auto RX guarantee says it all", as you stated earlier, why on earth are you now saying I must read the FAQ before commenting on that guarantee?

Re a point someone else raised in this thread, asking how Auto RX could possibly damage an engine, it should be obvious that anything which is strong enough to remove large amounts of crud from inside an engine has the potential to harm an engine, by scoring bearings, clogging filters, screens or passages etc. The manufacturer assures us (though does not guarantee) that this will not happen, and users testimonials here appear to support that. That is reassuring but hardly conclusive.


Originally posted by Frank:
before you make comments on our warrranty read the FAQ.

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