$6.88 to repair and refinish a fender, vintage Packard service department training video

Apr 27, 2010
Suburban Washington DC
Today that would probably be $600-$800. That seems unusually cheap for back then. If gas cost 32 cents then and $3.20 now, shouldn't that repair be a tenth of what it costs now, or $60-$80? Not 100th as much.

Today that would probably be $600-$800. That seems unusually cheap for back then. If gas cost 32 cents then and $3.20 now, shouldn't that repair be a tenth of what it costs now, or $60-$80? Not 100th as much.

Costs in 1948 exclude environmental fees, healthcare coverage, changes in insurance rates, OSHA updates, changes in federal/state min wages laws etc.
That estimate seems low, even for 1947. $6.88 in 1947 is ~ $100.00 today. The other repair estimate seems more in line, $25.00 is about $360.00 today.

That training video should be required viewing for every service department. Thanks for sharing it.
Didn't watch, but am guessing access is much easier? with less in the way, and no pesky safety items that have to be replaced?

Also, gas, was that as cheap back then as we would like to think? We can argue about what inflation really is, but: