2 YEARS ok on FILTER in a stored vehicle?

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Feb 11, 2014
Upper Midwest by the Lakes USA
Still recovering from back work...

So mightyvac oil chage is the best I can do on my 5.7L 2005 Hemi Ram.

The Bosch filter has been on a calendar year (cold upper midwest damp winters hot summers). Stored safe and "dry" indoors non climate controlled storage unit.

.Vehicle has seen 500miles at most over that time.

Would leaving it in be ok for storage till springtime? The filter that is.
If you are healing and the best you can do is an oil extraction OCI, the you don't really have a choice do you? You could take it somewhere but they are just going to screw it up. I would argue that the risk is minimal and you can just swap it when you are done convalescing if you are losing sleep. If you can somehow crawl under or coax someone else to inspect for rust on the filter that would be perfect.

I would also argue that you should change the oil and filter immediately as it is the BITOG way. What happens if you have to move it for some reason, the ABDV in the filter has failed and you get a start up rattle do to low oil pressure at start up? Why I never! *faints*
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Motor oil changes are usually scheduled based on the time in service or the distance that the vehicle has traveled. These are rough indications of the real factors that control when an oil change is appropriate, which include how long the oil has been run at elevated temperatures, how many heating cycles the engine has been through, and how hard the engine has worked. The vehicle distance is intended to estimate the time at high temperature, while the time in service is supposed to correlate with the number of vehicle trips and capture the number of heating cycles. Oil does not degrade significantly just sitting in a cold engine. On the other hand, if a car is driven just for very short distances, the oil is not allowed to fully heat-up, and contaminants such as water accumulates in the oil, due to lack of sufficient heat to boil off the water. Oil of this nature, just sitting in an engine, can cause problems.
Absolutely it's good for another year with only 500 miles of use. I store my Alfa for 7 months a year, driving it about 300 miles a year in Florida. I keep my Donaldson or Bosch standard oil filter on for three years without a concern.
Standard fleet recommendation by State of Cali fleet management (after long thorough study) was change filter every other time, unless engine has problems like significant fuel dilution, etc. You have no significant anything. Why even change the oil?

I have let oil be in trucks seldom run for up to five years. Filter every other. So I'm sure yours is fine
Originally Posted By: Bluestream
Motor oil changes are usually scheduled based on the time in service or the distance that the vehicle has traveled.

5000 miles or one year ?
No worries. I go two to three years on oil/filter on seldom run vehicles. Typically less than 3000 miles on synthetic oil.
2 years in a vehicle is not abnormal. My Saab was rated for that back in 2004, and filters have lasted for that ong on vehicles long before any OEM approved it. Honda on our 94 integra rated their filters for 2x7500mi OCI. Given average use of say, 10-12k, the folks below the average were guaranteed to an early two year oci. Nothing new or abnormal here.
Originally Posted By: JHZR2
Honda on our 94 integra rated their filters for 2x7500mi OCI.

Almost bought a new one back in the day but went with a 1994 Civic coupe instead. Looking I back I probably should bought the Acura since it seemed much nicer. Plus I was into manuals back then. Insurance was quite a bit more as well since I was under 25 at the time.
I have done two year oil changes on my Corvette since I bought it in 2013 and I also did two year oil changes on my mom's VW Golf as well. Same filter kept on both of those cars for those two years, no problems at all (I did UOAs for both cars as well)
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