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    Molakule: Do you have the reference for the mass loss values given in your earlier post? I would like to see the full article. Thanks in advance.
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    What is pH?

    "The concentration of hydrogen ions in aqueous solutions range from about 1 molar in 1 N HCl to about 10exp(-14) molar in 1 N NaOH. Because of this wide range of concentrations Sorenson adopted an exponential notation in 1909. He defined pH as the negative exponent of 10 which gives the hydrogen...
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    What is ....

    Viscosity: a fluid resistance to flow. For the second part, i have always tought that, when anything gets hotter, it increases its volume,(forget about water around 4C and some other weird things) for a fluid, the volume increase allows the molecules to move easily, and then decrease the...
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    Biodegradability rates of synthetic and dino oil

    Thanks for your replys. I can see that i have a lot of homework! I am now reading the chapter 6 "Environmental lubricants" from "Lubrication fundamentals" and a couple articles found thanks to google. Really wide study field. Some things that i have found are related to some bacteria that are...
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    Biodegradability rates of synthetic and dino oil

    I am interested in the used oil environmental impact, right now, the IC engine oil is the one that i am studying. I am aware of some of the environmental friendly lubes, but as far as I know they are not widely used, as a matter of fact, they are almost unknown in Mexico. Steve: I am interested...
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    Biodegradability rates of synthetic and dino oil

    Hello. I would really appreciate if you can give some guidings regarding technical papers in the biodegradability and environmental effects of used oils, google has been useful so far, but if you have read something interesting in these topics, i would like to hear...ejem... read... I have read...
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    Name Six

    Nitrogen (nitro and sulfur amines) Oxigen (Hetericycles)