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  1. F

    Skills every man should know?

    Originally Posted By: FowVay The simple phrase "Yes Dear" will take you far. I use this phrase quite frequently. When my wife tells me to do something, I will say 'yes dear' very slowly and sarcastically just to irritate her. She's about used to it now!
  2. F

    Neck Traction - Anyone have experience?

    uh we go....
  3. F

    Dear Victim

    Personally I would delete and call it a day.
  4. F

    Happy Bastille Day!

    I like French toast.
  5. F

    Starting a post with the title "Quick Question"

    Speaking of annoyances... it bugs me when someone in real life says to me, "can I ask you a question?" That irritates me....the person is asking me a question to see if they can ask me a question? My reply is usually, "you just did".
  6. F

    Yankees owner George Steinbrenner passes away

    Originally Posted By: mrsilv04 Seinfeld (the TV show) always seemed to have fun with 'ol George.... for better or for worse. I think I'll have a calzone for dinner tonight in Steinbrenner's honor.
  7. F

    Filling Your Home With Mercury Via CFL

    Humor me....reading this thread, "ND amounts of Hg" (I know what Hg is, but what is ND?), who or what is WCD? and who or what is an IOW doctor?
  8. F

    Investors....come in please!

    No bouncing on will be closed.
  9. F


    Seems a couple of people have spent some time thinking about you. Hmmmmmmmmm.......
  10. F

    When people just assume...

    Just because he didn't confront the guy doesn't make him a coward. That's pretty harsh.
  11. F

    Investors....come in please!

    What is/are the reason(s) that a mutual fund would be closed to new investors?
  12. F

    Batteries - why no forum here (or am I blind?)

    I think it's covered under "Mechanical/Maintenance".
  13. F

    help the illiterate, buy his car!

    It strikes me as haven been written by an non-native English speaker.
  14. F

    Chiropractors neck

    x2 REAL doctor for me too.
  15. F

    do you prime your fuel pump before you start it

    Hmmm, OK. And what is the perceived benefit of doing this?
  16. F

    do you prime your fuel pump before you start it

    I'm not sure I understand this. The pump is obviously primed when you shut it off. The fuel pump is totally submerged in fuel. So how does the fuel pump LOSE it's prime under those conditions?
  17. F

    Chiropractors neck

    If you want an honest opinion, I not sure you want to ask a chiropractor. Do you really expect a chiropractor to say "it's not safe...don't do it"?
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    Thumps up for United States Postal Sevice

    My THUMPS are up! Thumbs too!
  19. F

    Lessons on Cultures

  20. F

    Texas Vs Californis ($$$ & Common Sense)

    LOL! That's right, ya'll!