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    Honda Has Problem With New S660 Roasters

    They sold them all, what's the #$^%@#$% problem?
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    Anyone Download Windows 10 Yet? Thoughts ... ?

    Originally Posted By: Jimmy9190 I have tried multiple times over the last 6 days to activate Windows 10. I tried the slmgr.vbs /ato command about 10 times and it still will not activate. I have not done a clean install, to be honest I am not really sure what that is. I read that it will erase...
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    Windows 10 may have just gone "gold"

    Upgrade process was smooth as butter So far so good, don't notice anything weird
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    Crazed LEO in Dashcam in Boston Suburb

    ^^ is it me or do those statements complete contradict themselves?
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    Win 7 update keeps repeating (screenshot)

    Originally Posted By: rshaw125 Originally Posted By: gathermewool Ignore the first two replies - they're woefully uninformed and dangerous. I had this issue last year and a found the solution with a quick search on sevenforums. For the past 6-7 years I've opted to select my own updates...
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    How much damage do you think I did? Failed suspens

    Originally Posted By: dishdude Still trying to figure out how the caliper would contact the rim if the ball joint failed. Isn't that all part of the knuckle held on by the ball joints? Yes. I know Chrysler likes to be different, but not that different. AFAIK there are only 2 things that can...
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    Late arriving Cellular Bill - Am I culpable?

    Originally Posted By: SumpChump #lowexpectationsforcorporations #ninetypercentofsheepleagree Sounds like you need to probably move to a mountain somewhere and live completely off the grid
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    Rental '15 Toyota Yaris Gas Mileage.

    Originally Posted By: madRiver Yaris is a terrible highway car and doing 90 is nuts with a tin can. It is a great around town car though. I know, I only do 35k highway miles a year on mine I must hate myself or something Or it's not really that terrible. (I've only owned it 2 years, bought...
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    Motorola Barrage (Verizon) phone swap.

    Originally Posted By: dishdude But if it's on the employer's account they probably won't let him do it. Also if it is a large employer, they probably go through a third party to purchase phones and service. This, being a business account may be a problem.
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    Rental '15 Toyota Yaris Gas Mileage.

    Originally Posted By: supton When I was shopping this car I noticed that it still calls for a 5k oci. It also still uses a metal canister, instead of a paper cartridge like later Toyota mills. Makes me think Toyota is just letting this car languish, and will just kill it off instead of its next...
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    Moto E smart phone

    I always get the latest phone that has an AOSP ROM available. It kind of prevents the whole slowness due to bloat issue Currently on an LG G3 with CyanogenMod 12.1 This should do until the phone literally falls apart.
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    Using an old Sever for a PC?

    that's going to be loud
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    Adove and Java Applications

    Originally Posted By: simple_gifts Exactly how is uninstalling software make a computer run faster? It is like saying less money in the bank makes my wallet lighter. This stuff isn't memory resident IIRC. With windoze, the least times the registry is modified the better. every single one of...
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    Help me with a computer for an older person.

    incorrect PC time in the #1 cause of that mismatch, btw
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    Help me with a computer for an older person.

    Originally Posted By: daddi I set her up with Firefox with auto updates. But for some reason lately whenever she goes to a web site, Google for instance, it says that the web site is untrusted and does she want to back out or create an exception. Of course this freaks her out. Not sure why it...
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    Liability Insurance

    Yes, because you also will carry a medical rider on the policy, and the safety of the car has a big influence on that. Example, my Yaris is twice as much to insure over the van, yet I only carry liability on it. The van has full coverage.
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    Anyone have a car that won't Die?

    yeah i have 2 cars like this my lowest mileage vehicle is also the highest maintenance. Go figure.
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    PC ..XP

    Originally Posted By: JamesBond Would a couple gigs of ram make it useable for surfing? It's a 750 MHz AMD processor. It was a garbage find so I don't want to throw $20 at it if it's going to still be useless. It does have good speakers and a copy of office and acrobat on it though. I'm...
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    PC ..XP

    Originally Posted By: uc50ic4more Originally Posted By: HTSS_TR I tried Chrome for few months, it was much slower than Firefox. I almost never use IE. I have an older laptop, a modern low-end laptop (both Linux, both 64 bit) and a 2006 (32 bit) MacBook Pro; all of which run Firefox much more...
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    The Corolla Prizms

    I just bought my '01 corolla and after about 1500 miles it hasn't burned a drop of oil. they're amazing little cars.