Search results

  1. Nebraskan

    2006 Dodge Diesel Need Help On By Pass Filter !

    Got the mount base for the B50 in today. Intersesting. It is no wider than necessary to fit the filter in it's diameter, and just enough back bracket to mount it. I like the small and compact designe of this filter mount. No extra overhangs. Images can be kind of a bugger if you are not used to...
  2. Nebraskan

    wierd Q

    The force is stong in you, Dark Jedi, I have forseen it. As a result your GC oil will always be 7 quarts, or maybe before you forgot to change you oil filter..
  3. Nebraskan

    Particle Counts on three filters & one car

    WHAT??!! How'd my revered name get drug into the midst of this fracas?
  4. Nebraskan

    Difference between Motorcraft FL200 and FL300

    What ??? Humid out here in the Great Lakes area??? Some people put up with gophers and moles in their lawns.. I have crayfish (aka crawdads) mounds appear here and there. Don't worry about protecting the motor to 400,000 miles here.. you'll be lucky to have a stucture for the motor to hang on...
  5. Nebraskan

    Are synthetics really worth the extra bucks?

    ST is excellent oil. I've used it. I also have gotten (repeat that in BOLD) GOTTEN better gas mileage at any time in any driving condition with synthetic oil than with conventional. I told the guys once at AZ... if you gave me your oil, for free and synthetic was 6.00 a quart, given I get X%...
  6. Nebraskan

    2006 Dodge Diesel Need Help On By Pass Filter !

    acewiza, bet he's got one of those vehicle that if you leave your pack of Camels anywhere under the hood and accidently shut it, your smokes are histroy!
  7. Nebraskan

    2006 Dodge Diesel Need Help On By Pass Filter !

    We didn't get you anywhere, Colonel, you got here yourself. I have no idea what the underhood looks like on a 2006 Dodge Ram 3500 Laramie Mega Cab. Perhaps someone else does and/or has similar vehicle. Before I ever ordered the base for my Baldwin I took the filter and looked at all...
  8. Nebraskan

    2006 Dodge Diesel Need Help On By Pass Filter !

    Nice looking tires!! Did you move your coolant reservoir over? My Buick PA is the absolute pits for finding some small space for a mount and bracket.
  9. Nebraskan

    Particle Counts on three filters & one car

    What was said earlier.. about oil running through the engine. Doesn't that make sense? I am sure that there could be some silicone and other particulate matter coming into the engine via air intake, but inside of 15-30 minutes with multipass thought the filter, I would think that the majority of...
  10. Nebraskan

    Do I dare use synthetic?

    My wife's Chevy Lumina manages to leak oil but I still have synthetic in it. It leaked before and leaked after no better worse. I look at it this way. I change the oil so infrequently in it, that the extra bit I add during the inerim between changes just replinished the additive packs and...
  11. Nebraskan

    dino and syn oils....

    I am not sure how any of them are made. I just know that the synthetic is a "made" oil without the Viscosity Improvers that are common to mineral based oil. I also know that they cover a vast expanse of heat ranges and cold... from being a better choice for higher temp engines and for lower temp...
  12. Nebraskan

    If you had to use a quick change place, would you

    Nope, change my own oil and filter. Know exactly what was taken out and what went back in and on. Period. Don't you just HATE not being able to edit a post!!
  13. Nebraskan

    If you had to use a quick change place, would you

    Nope, change my own oil and filter. Know exactly what was taken out and what went back in and on. Period. [image][/image
  14. Nebraskan

    2006 Dodge Diesel Need Help On By Pass Filter !

    On the Jeep for spin on, remember that it is an odd ball sized thread, 5/8" x 18 pitch. Those that took it were probably already plumed for a bypass filtration system and wouldn't be intended for the full flow with such a small 1/16" (0.0625") restrictor orifice. I don't have anything against...
  15. Nebraskan

    Particle Counts on three filters & one car

    I've even read (from a link in antother BITOG post) about the Gobi Desert winds sending dirt particles in sub micron to 3 micron particle size into the atmosphere holding long enough to reach the West coast and go in as far as Minnesota. Even oil in a drum that has been in storage and used over...
  16. Nebraskan

    2006 Dodge Diesel Need Help On By Pass Filter !

    Read the article. Yep your TP sort of bit the dust! LOL not really, but if you read the parts about the beta and so forth, you certainly get a grasp of the scope of oil contaminations and cleanliness,,,, but this was more to do with "machinery" as a general field. Practicality of the whole...
  17. Nebraskan

    2006 Dodge Diesel Need Help On By Pass Filter !

    handyman, you need to go back again to and look at the online catalog. then choose "Product Guide" on the left. In the part number put in B50. Then keep searchg though all the applications. Fiat, Jeep, etc. Apparently it was the filter of use on the Jeep automotive...
  18. Nebraskan

    can't find any GC!

    I am surpirsed it is not found a the BP gas stations. After all, it is a BP product.
  19. Nebraskan

    Small Ford diesel car?

    Our neighbor and guy that hunts on our property, drives a VW car with a diesel. He makes about 45 mpg with that. He also commutes pertty long distances to work so it is well that he makes such mileage. I have a 1985 Isuzu pickup P'uP. One of the Isuzu pickups came with a diesel. So, to find a...