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    • C
      Cruck replied to the thread Engine Swap Advice.
      @AdmiralYoda I just want this to be nice enjoyable ride when I am in it. I want when I get in it starts with not any issues. This idea...
    • C
      Cruck replied to the thread Engine Swap Advice.
      @TPK Yes that is it. 18 MPG sounds wonderful. I want to drive this thing, it just will not be lots. I live several thousand miles away...
    • C
      Cruck replied to the thread Engine Swap Advice.
      Ok this is now all over the place. I gave what I thought to be pertinent details but it seems to have created more questions than...
    • C
      Cruck replied to the thread Engine Swap Advice.
      The engine that is in it now is not functional at all. It is a 350.
    • C
      Cruck replied to the thread Engine Swap Advice.
      The mechanic that is doing the work is a high school buddy. I do not know what you define as old guy but he is pushing 50. He is the...
    • C
      Cruck replied to the thread Engine Swap Advice.
      The current engine is not running. I understand the lack of aerodynamics and that it is not a 1:1 thing here. The idea is to be as fuel...
    • C
      Cruck replied to the thread Engine Swap Advice.
      That is it reliable and driveable is what I am looking for. The work will be done for the cost of the parts only.
    • C
      Cruck replied to the thread Engine Swap Advice.
      This is my dad's old truck that I am trying to get back on the road. Otherwise I would just buy anything. I will only drive it when I am...
    • C
      Cruck replied to the thread Engine Swap Advice.
      As far as I know it is what it was at stock. If it has been changed I do not know. The labor cost to do the swap will be minimal. I...
    • C
      Cruck replied to the thread Engine Swap Advice.
      I want to say 5000 miles a year on it but more realistic would be 2 or 3k.
    • C
      Cruck replied to the thread Engine Swap Advice.
      Not sure what you mean by that.
    • C
      Cruck replied to the thread Engine Swap Advice.
      Yes, I am talking about the 3.6. Assuming I go with the 5.3, how or is there a way to accomplish this while getting decent gas mileage?
    • C
      I do not know if this is the forum for this but I am hoping someone here will be able to help me. I have a 77 C10 that I want to get up...
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