Killing one robin

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Staff member
Dec 14, 2002
New Jersey

I hate to post this, as I like the birds that we have around in our yard/neighborhood... except one.

There is one robin that day in and day out sits on our cars, and then flies either into the glass windows on the garage, or the glass wndows on the cars. Seriosly.

It must be sick, it flies into windows, just back and forth, never further than 10 feet, and into a window.

It sits on the cars and leaves a HUGE mess on them. Im talking piles. I dont care about it flying into the glass, but we seriously have to wash the cars daily, else the messes get so large that I fear for our cars' paint. Its a larger mess than one can fix with some quick detailer.

I need to leave some poison right where the bird sits. I hate to do it, but the bird is causing a HUGE problem. I also want to be sure that I just take the one out, I dont care to kill the rest of our birds.

So, why good solutions???


I think a pellet gun would do better work than poison - which could attract a lot of other birds. Then again if you're in the city then... pellet gun is out of the question.

Pay some neighborhood kids to keep the bird off your car - after a few days of this (and some $$$ out of your wallet) the bird might leave your car alone.
Don't use poison...too indiscriminate.

BB gun or wrist rocket if you can catch it away from the car.

If you can't get it away from the car, you might try to catch it the way I used to catch birds as a kid.

Rig up a small box propped on a stick with some bread under it (near the back side). A long piece of string on the stick.

You might want to pay a 10 year old to man the string!

There it is:

And the first damage of the day, early am... also on the other car, same spot...
A number of times I've seen cardinals do this. I think they see "competition" with the reflection, get aggressive, and try to scare it away.

Try a silhouette cut-out of an owl pasted in the window.
FRom the photo, that doesn't look like a huge amount of bird poo, the crows around here often bomb my Jeep with triple that amount, I just hose it off.
But if you must kill him, don't leave poison, try a BB gun, as suggested. Or get a hungry cat.
that was at about 8:30 this morning, after we washed the cars last night. It is identical on the mirros of the other two cars parked back there. By the afternoon, there will be piles on the rooves of all the cars. BIG black and white piles.

The mess is very harmful to the finish of our cars, as well as being very wasteful of our water supply. Further, bird waste carries disease, and Id hate to get sick from this bird that produced more #2 than our cat does.

It's like...should you be poisoned for your bizarre behaviour? Hey, there's that guy washing his car again....let's get him!
John K as it right, though it won't work for crows. My wife puts seed out for the small birds and we get one crow that comes up and knocks on our sliding glass door. If the door is open and we're gone and the dogs are somewhere else, he comes in and eats their food. This guy hangs around with one other crow and never associates with the big flocks. A neighbor thinks it's a raven, but I don't know the difference.
A raven will be much bigger than a crow, and if you see him flying, you'll notice he may soar (not flapping his wings much) more than a crow.
Ravens "croak" more than "caw", and their tails form a wedge shape, while crows have a rounded tail shape.
Wasn't there a poem called
"Who Killed Cock Robin?"

"It was I, said the sparrow, with my bow and arrow."

Home Depot and Lowes sells plastic owls that scare off birds. I have one under an awning where I park a vehicle and it really works. Haven't had a deposit since I put it out.
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