suppose the world runs out of oil/coal in 4 years.

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Listened to an interview with a shell oil exec. His job was a 30 year planner, where are we going to be in 30 years and how do we get there etc. His comment about future oil supply was all the "easy" oil may be gone. "Hard oil" will be plentiful. Oil from super deep offshore wells, coal shale, politically "hard" to get oil etc. 50 years from now he believes the company will be producing 50% of the oil it is today and will be >50% into other energy sources.

Jobs, food, etc.

Gardens everywhere.

Exodus to less cold places since there isn't enough wood to heat everyone.

Mass local exododi to get closer to job, house swapping, etc.

Teamsters will make a come back, holding reigns of the mules and horses style.

More smaller stores to serve smaller geographical areas.

Perhaps the end of the enormous powers of the corporate structure. Small individually-owned firms make a come back.

More mass transit.

Severe rationing of many items, many that would not seem to be affected by loss of petrochemicals but, with a little thinking.... well.... Rubbermaid products? Soda pop in plastic bottles?

Expect curfews to keep people at home during dark hours and rotating black outs to spread the electricity around.

Might have to give up refrigeration in the home.

Reduced availability of many food stuffs. More locally grown food items.

Expect mass civil turmoil as the anti-social and ignorant elements prey upon the sheep.

Coot could write for hours but why bore the herd?
lol - IF the earth was *Ever* at a point to running out of oil, I guarantee we would not survive long enough to see the "end of oil availability". The earth would have collapsed, earthquaked, volcanoed enough from the massive change in the planet's constituents. Also tectonic plates, which actually slide on oil deposits would become hard to move creating incredible stresses and possibly creating new faults int he process of volcanoing, flooding, and earquaking mankind and all other species (who unfortunately are NOT responsible for this hypothetical situation) into non-existence. That would probably happen if half the earths crude was pumped out and oxidized, let alone all of it!
More nuclear power, more solar, and wind power, many more wind powered generators could be built, currently the military has limits in some areas because of radar interference. using bio fuels and electric cars or bio/EV hybreds. small scooters or motorcycle/ bikes that run on bio or EV powered.
Home workout bikes with built in generator that charges batteries while you work out. Most people would have to make drastic changes in lifestyle in order to survive.

I guarantee we would not survive long enough to see the "end of oil availability". The earth would have collapsed, earthquaked, volcanoed enough from the massive change in the planet's constituents. Also tectonic plates, which actually slide on oil deposits would become hard to move creating incredible stresses and possibly creating new faults

any links to all of that ?

I'd envisage that if it were true, volcanoes would be capped and pumped into refineries if all that glowing red stuff was oil.
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