Gasoline and safety

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Sep 6, 2003
Loveland, Ohio
I can't get to the General & Off Topics section, so I'll post here. The posts about alternate fuels and looking up some flash point data brings to mind some of the stories I've heard about people using gasoline to ignite brush fires. One guy I saw in a store had his ankles bandaged and I asked him what happened. He said he ignited a pile of brush using gas and he got burned. I told him you should never use gas for that, his response was he'd done it hundreds of times and never had a problem. I told him he should use kerosene, much safer. We take gas for granted and forget about some of its properties, such as heavier than air, extremely volatile, how easily ignited and such. Another fellow told me of a guy who thought he was being very careful and ignited some brush with gas and he was a good distance away and tossed something burning at the brush and suddenly felt flames going up his leg! Seems the fumes traveled through a mole tunnel and came up where he was standing!
Yes, gasoline is a very dangerous fuel. I wish there were more diesel vehicles available in N.A. Fewer people would burn to death when their SUV's roll over.
the only reason gas was chosen as fuel is because it was cheap and easy to get. it is horribly dangerous and we thing nothing of driving around with 20 gallons of it in a paper thin tank under the passenger compartment.
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