Canada - Marijuana now legal

Originally Posted by ls1mike
Originally Posted by JohnnyJohnson
The only thing the State cares about is the millions in revenue a month. The rest that's your problem.

I think for the most part you are correct.

Better the revenue goes to your government than to organized crime
We're going to be shut down, but before we do, just a reminder you cannot take this stuff across any national borders, even the Washington/ British Columbia federal border.

For those Americans in the United States coming into Canada for a puff. Welcome.
Legalizing pot is on the ballot here in Michigan this year, and I've been debating with myself on how to vote.

I'm a libertarian kind of guy, and believe that people should be free to do pretty much as they want, as long as they don't hurt anybody and are responsible for their behavior. Yes, cigarettes and booze are legal, but I don't use either. Maybe pot is no worse than ethanol and tobacco products, so why not legalize it? I won't start using it because the government says it's OK. Let the gummint tax the heck out of it and get some revenue. (Then there will be the rogue pot users that will refuse to pay taxes on it, and still insist on getting it illegally.) People can't be forced into "moral" behavior by forbidding something. That was conclusively demonstrated during Prohibition, where people who were just social drinkers were forced into being criminals going to speakeasies, and organized crime made big money by providing illegal liquor.

On the other hand, from a practical point of view, how do you get a job if you smoke pot? I have never gotten a job where I didn't have to pass a drug screen, so doesn't the same apply for pot users? So if you can't get a job, wouldn't that mean you go on welfare, Medicaid, food stamps, and the whole nine yards of social dependency? I would be curious to find out what has happened to the number of people on welfare after pot has been legalized in their states. So maybe that extra money the states make from taxing pot is eaten up by having more people on welfare, unable to get jobs.
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People who want to smoke it already do.

Just now, they aren't criminalized for it. Imagine having a criminal record for having a joint on you. Unbelievable.
Originally Posted by A_Harman
Legalizing pot is on the ballot here in Michigan this year, and I've been debating with myself on how to vote.

I'm a libertarian kind of guy, and believe that people should be free to do pretty much as they want, as long as they don't hurt anybody and are responsible for their behavior. Yes, cigarettes and booze are legal, but I don't use either. Maybe pot is no worse than ethanol and tobacco products, so why not legalize it? I won't start using it because the government says it's OK. Let the gummint tax the heck out of it and get some revenue. (Then there will be the rogue pot users that will refuse to pay taxes on it, and still insist on getting it illegally.) People can't be forced into "moral" behavior by forbidding something. That was conclusively demonstrated during Prohibition, where people who were just social drinkers were forced into being criminals going to speakeasies, and organized crime made big money by providing illegal liquor.

On the other hand, from a practical point of view, how do you get a job if you smoke pot? I have never gotten a job where I didn't have to pass a drug screen, so doesn't the same apply for pot users? So if you can't get a job, wouldn't that mean you go on welfare, Medicaid, food stamps, and the whole nine yards of social dependency? I would be curious to find out what has happened to the number of people on welfare after pot has been legalized in their states. So maybe that extra money the states make from taxing pot is eaten up by having more people on welfare, unable to get jobs.

Some places here don't test, only test on entry or if their is an accident. I work for the Navy, zero tolerance policy.
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As a former technician in HVAC work: If a technician has a wreck in a company truck and he is driving, you automatically got drug tested and our company gave random drug screens...yes you can smoke it, but you will be fired if show positive for it on a drug screen test, just saying.

So enjoy smoking if you want to, but you may be dismissed from your job someday...
People who smoke weed are going to smoke it whether it is legal or not. You think you haven't either driven past, or been passed by, someone who is high on pot at least 2 or 3 (or 20) times a day for most of the last decade?

The only difference now is, they can (potentially at least) do it legally. As far as I know, pot is still in the same category as alcohol when it comes to driving - an intoxicant.
Way to go Canada!
Originally Posted by CourierDriver
As a former technician in HVAC work: If a technician has a wreck in a company truck and he is driving, you automatically got drug tested and our company gave random drug screens...yes you can smoke it, but you will be fired if show positive for it on a drug screen test, just saying.

So enjoy smoking if you want to, but you may be dismissed from your job someday...

Originally Posted by CourierDriver
As a former technician in HVAC work: If a technician has a wreck in a company truck and he is driving, you automatically got drug tested and our company gave random drug screens...yes you can smoke it, but you will be fired if show positive for it on a drug screen test, just saying.

So enjoy smoking if you want to, but you may be dismissed from your job someday...

Originally Posted by CourierDriver
As a former technician in HVAC work: If a technician has a wreck in a company truck and he is driving, you automatically got drug tested and our company gave random drug screens...yes you can smoke it, but you will be fired if show positive for it on a drug screen test, just saying.

So enjoy smoking if you want to, but you may be dismissed from your job someday...

Originally Posted by CourierDriver
As a former technician in HVAC work: If a technician has a wreck in a company truck and he is driving, you automatically got drug tested and our company gave random drug screens...yes you can smoke it, but you will be fired if show positive for it on a drug screen test, just saying.

So enjoy smoking if you want to, but you may be dismissed from your job someday...
It's going to be interesting if it's legalized and if there are prescriptions for medical MJ-somebody is going to get fired and sue to set a precedent on it. Soon there will be no difference between cannabinoids and other legal drugs-alcohol, nicotine, and maybe even (GASP!) CAFFEINE!! I'll never be able to get anything done before lunch!!
Originally Posted by Smokescreen
experiment begin. Regardless what camp you belong to and politics aside, there is still much that is not known about this drug.

Oh, don't be mistaken, there's plenty known about "the drug". The ones crying about "not knowing" are the ones previously uninterested in it, but now find themselves foist or installed into a position of power or as an (unqualified) mouthpiece sprewing their own personal confusion on live television. One former police chief Bill Blair is now the govt appointed weed czar, and another former police chief Julian Fantino who for decades ruled against cannabis with an iron fist, now started multi-million dollar cannabis growing venture "to help people with pain and medical treatment". It's so funny how it was never and still isn't about safety or health, just profitability.

The one good thing about this is that maybe the reefer madness crowd can get their heads out of their butts, and the dumb stoner stereotype can finally be put to bed.
Originally Posted by PeterPolyol
Originally Posted by Smokescreen
experiment begin. Regardless what camp you belong to and politics aside, there is still much that is not known about this drug.

Oh, don't be mistaken, there's plenty known about "the drug". The ones crying about "not knowing" are the ones previously uninterested in it, but now find themselves foist or installed into a position of power or as an (unqualified) mouthpiece sprewing their own personal confusion on live television. One former police chief Bill Blair is now the govt appointed weed czar, and another former police chief Julian Fantino who for decades ruled against cannabis with an iron fist, now started multi-million dollar cannabis growing venture "to help people with pain and medical treatment". It's so funny how it was never and still isn't about safety or health, just profitability.

The one good thing about this is that maybe the reefer madness crowd can get their heads out of their butts, and the dumb stoner stereotype can finally be put to bed.

"The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I'm saying? We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did."
as quoted in "Legalize it all" Harper's Magazine, April 2016

We've been lied to for a looooong time.
Originally Posted by honeeagle
^^^ this (steve's)

media has their panties in a knot
much ado about not too much.

The media has an easy time herding the sheep.
If anyone ever pays attention to the news coverage, you'll notice the subject at hand gets called at least 3 names per newspiece:
Until they can figure out one, proper, non-slang terminology to call the stuff (Cannabis is fine) then who can really take their reporting seriously?
Dupont had a lot to win out of demonising hemp in any used to be a crop of national security.

Along comes Nylon, and all of a sudden there's a push to ban something that presidents and royalty had been doing … forever
(See parallel banning of HC refrigerants)
Never ever tried the stuff (Will, just when it's legal, or I'm retired).

Fully support legalising it.

Here in Oz, there's roadside cheek swabs...if it's present in your cheek swab, then you are automatically driving "impaired", I disagree, but that's the test. They'll close down the highway here every couple of years and test every driver on that arterial road. In a reportable accident (not fender bender), it's mandatory D and A tests.

Work is random cheek swab (MJ, Amphetamines, MDMA, and I think coke), plus RBT (0.02). On suspicion (walking funny, or being erratic LOL), or "for cause" (workplace incident, Vehicle incident, safety breach).

It's manageable legalising the stuff, when there's impaired people all over the place with it illegal.
I've never even tried it but if they ever make a medicine that works for migraines without the high I would give that a shot. I've tried plenty of prescription meds from my neurologist with very minimal success. Aside from that, legalization would not really change my lack of interest.