Pop's gone / stage 4 glioblastoma in the thalamus

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Site Donor 2023
Apr 4, 2012
With a heavy heart i write the following. I contemplated not mentioning it, but knowing that other's may be going through something similar, made it worth sharing.

On Mother's Day this year we had a family lunch for my Mom. At the restaurant my Pop complained of pain and soreness in his left hand. He was 82 and i have never heard him complain about a thing. My wife was the first to mention that this could be serious and we should get him to a doctor. We called his GP who recommended rushing him to emergency (after all the symptoms were described).

At the hospital, the diagnosis was that he suffered a mild stroke. He was treated and sent to a rehab facility to regain movement on his left side. After a week of rehab, the PT and OT advised that he was not getting better, and was actually declining. We observed this ourselves. Concerned that he may be having more strokes, the rehab facility had him go back to the hospital. The doctors at the hospital were apprehensive about running further tests (CT Scans, MRI etc.) because my dad has a pacemaker. Finally, after getting permission from the pacemaker mfr to conduct the appropriate scans (a representative from the pacemaker Co. had to be present), a tumor was found in the thalamus of the brain.

After a biopsy was performed, the news was devastating. Stage 4 glioblastoma in a location where surgery was strongly recommended against due to his age and rapid deterioration. Instead, he was treated with radiation and chemo pills. All to no avail. Last week week my Pop passed away quietly at home, in his sleep. As humbly as he lived his life, he left it. His last few days listing to Jim Reeves and Freedy Fender. Mustering up an "I Love You" whisper with a difficult smile (his left side had become paralyzed throughout the ordeal).

This has been a very difficult, bittersweet (happy for my first child on the way) time.

If you haven't done so in some time, tell your loved ones that you love them. Simple as that.

Thanks for reading,

Sorry to hear this. Had a friend from Louisiana call when my dad passed. His had been gone a year. He told me the hardest part was: "I just can't talk to my dad anymore" ...
So simple, so true.
Sorry to hear of his passing, Warren. I don't know if it helps, but take solace in the fact that he reached a good age, and left the world surrounded by loved ones, and in a place he could call home. It sounds like he at least had some solace at the time of his passing.

Remember his life and the legacy he leaves behind, and he'll never truly be gone.
It sounds like you and your Father had a great relationship. Sorry to hear this and I second telling your Mom/Dad you love them every chance you get.
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Sorry for your loss. Sounds like he hade a good life though. At the age of 71 though I have looked at my own limited time left. I really don't want to be in a state of very limited activity . I look at folks who struggle to get around even on a walker. No thanks.

I am sure he is in a better place.
I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm glad he passed away peacefully at home and not in agony at a nursing facility.

Not to take away from your family's loss, but we are going through the same thing with my mother. Inoperable cancer with months, not years to live, so I'll be going through the same emotions as you. You're not alone.

And my goodness, amen to telling loved ones how much you love them, even if you've had issues with them! They can be gone in an instant. I've been doing a lot of catching up with my mom, resolving family problems from the past and letting bygones be bygones, because it's gonna be a lot different when she's no longer with us.

Prayers sent.
My sincere condolences.
I went through it last year and now my mother has been going through a ordeal for the last nine months.
If you care it is tough. And as you know, it is tough! Hang in there as I know it can be overwhelming at times.
Wemay, sorry for your loss. I know it's not consolation but I had a good friend, and my mom's late fiancee that both had glios. Both had brain surgeries and both were still gone inside of 3 months from diagnosis. It's a sinister disease; at least he's not suffering.

My prayers go out for you and your family.
Originally Posted By: Drew99GT
I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm glad he passed away peacefully at home and not in agony at a nursing facility.

Not to take away from your family's loss, but we are going through the same thing with my mother. Inoperable cancer with months, not years to live, so I'll be going through the same emotions as you. You're not alone.

And my goodness, amen to telling loved ones how much you love them, even if you've had issues with them! They can be gone in an instant. I've been doing a lot of catching up with my mom, resolving family problems from the past and letting bygones be bygones, because it's gonna be a lot different when she's no longer with us.

Prayers sent.

Likewise, Drew. PM me if you have any questions or just want to share, vent or rant.
Originally Posted By: AirgunSavant
My sincere condolences.
I went through it last year and now my mother has been going through a ordeal for the last nine months.
If you care it is tough. And as you know, it is tough! Hang in there as I know it can be overwhelming at times.

Keeping your family in my thoughts...
My condolences to you. I lost my dad to sarcoma 4 years ago to this month. Not only is it devastating to the person diagnosed with cancer but it also does a number on the family members as well. Only if cancer could get cancer it would know how [censored] [censored] it is.

Stay strong during this difficult times my friend....

Sorry to hear of your Dad's passing. I've Just been thru this last November and December.
Sometimes it doesn't hit you hard for weeks.
My Condolences,
Tough loss. Hang in there. Only time will make it better. My dad is also at peace now. Only thing that help me was time.
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