Does 911 react to late?

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Originally Posted By: CELICA_XX

Please tell me in which jurisdiction you are legally protected to GO OUTSIDE WITH A FIREARM and blast someone for stealing property.

Property crime alone never justifies lethal force.

You are WRONG!

Also if more thieves were killed in their commissions of their robberies you can BET that those crime rates would PLUMMET. If you are committing felonies such as grand theft auto you deserve to be killed for it. The reason why I say this is that almost ALWAYS criminals will escalate the level of their activities and eventually they end up harming innocent victims in the process.

1. Texas: Deadly Force In Defense Of Personal Property.

Texas is different. In Texas, one can use deadly force not just to protect a person, but also to protect personal property, including to “retrieve stolen property at night,” during “criminal mischief in the nighttime” and even to prevent someone who is fleeing immediately after a theft during the night or a burglary or robbery, so long as the individual “reasonably” thinks the property cannot be protected by other means..
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Originally Posted By: Dr_Who

Not in ALL states, there are quite a few where the "Castle Law" extends to your entire property including
such things as cars, and yes, horses. If a perp attempts to steal such property you are legally permitted to shoot and kill such actors in the commission of those crimes. Of course optimally you should wait until the perp is actually inside of the car, and make sure that you always lock the doors so they have committed a break and enter action, once they enter the vehicle and are seated.....When the police arrive I would always mention that you were concerned that the subject was likely armed in the process of the crime, so you took measures to neutralize the threat to your own personal safety.

I have spent a lot of money and time on training learning responsible gun use when it comes to self defense in public. I suspect you haven't.
Oh wait you live in
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Originally Posted By: Dr_Who
You are WRONG!

Originally Posted By: Al
I have spent a lot of money and time on training learning responsible gun use when it comes to self defense in public. I suspect you haven't.

Very true, some people just have no concept of restraint.

You cannot leave your "castle" with a trigger-happy disposition to engage in a confrontation with a thief.

At that moment you have become the aggressor.

You should also take a closer look at the Texas penal code you referenced and the handful of stipulations that come along with it.
Originally Posted By: CELICA_XX
ining learning responsible gun use when it comes to self defense in public. I suspect you haven't.

Very true, some people just have no concept of restraint.

You cannot leave your "castle" with a trigger-happy disposition to engage in a confrontation with a thief.

At that moment you have become the aggressor.

You should also take a closer look at the Texas penal code you referenced and the handful of stipulations that come along with it.

Luckily most juries in Texas don't agree with you, and find most such individuals innocent of any wrong doing.
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Does 911 react too late? Nope. It is the false expectation that if you call 911, the services will be there in a flash. It all depends on where you live, the workload of the services at that particular moment, and other factors.

Each person must realize that they are on their own in those first few moments, minutes, etc. It's the same as being in a disaster like a earthquake or flood etc. You are on your own for at least 72 hours according to the Govt. Always have a plan. If you own a firearm, know the local laws and be proficient with the gun by going to the range regularly. Having a firearm is a right given to us with the Second Amendment but we need to be responsible in our use of that weapon.
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