Has anyone used Prestone Triple Seal?

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Mar 20, 2008
A 3-part system with pellets, clear liquid, and a metallic liquid.

It's only sold at Autozone and costs $10

Interesting and although I use Bars products, this one looks good.

Radiators are not expensive and are easy to change in most cars.

PS: It contains traces of Kevlar, a first in additive history. Perhaps using a few cans will make the radiator bullet proof!
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I don't like the sound of this stuff, I can see it clogging the system. If anything then only a ginger root based product like bars leak tabs (GM tabs) or Holts (also Subaru labeled).
Ginger root has the unique property of expanding in the prescience of air once its been soaked. It flows though the system as harmless fine particles until it finds a leak, it then expands in only that location to seal it. I have never known it to clog any system, GM and Subaru and possibly others have used it in new cars from the factory.
I've used regular Barleaks (pellets, tablets and powder) several times and never had an issue.....I'd stick with it using the minimum amount recommended for your application (in other words more isn't better).
Barsleaks kept the LIM problem in my Buick 3.1 under control until I finally got around to changing the LIM...it even sealed a crack in my old Mazda's thermostat inlet until I could change it. It's a very good product.

PS: I'm leery of this product (Prestone Triple Seal) after reading the reviews.
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