Des Moines, We Have a Problem

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Originally Posted By: Virtus_Probi
If they could figure out how to then turn the ethanol into corn, food would be wicked cheap, too!!!


LOL. Good one. If there is a way to convert it to high fructose corn syrup you can be sure they will find it!
Near the bottom of the read is the vague disclaimer "IF they can make it more economical". There is a funny thing the eco feelgoods really like to ignore called reality. Nature NEVER gives you something for nothing and I have yet to see any of the postulated solutions to be anything more than makework for a special interest group to justify its existence.

Remember ...according to popular mechanics we should have all been commuting to work in our trash powered space cars since about year 2000. :)
Yes, as Romans put it after Greeks -- nihil fit ex nihilo, first posited by Parmenides of Elea approximately 2500 years ago. [but who cares about Education in the age of iPads, Facebook and Spielberg]

According to Popular Mechanics and Mr Walter Cronkite we were to freeze from Global Freezing right after 1972. Something should have been done right away!
It should also be said that they're not getting ethanol from CO2 for free. It still requires electricity to drive the process!
Originally Posted By: NateDN10
It should also be said that they're not getting ethanol from CO2 for free. It still requires electricity to drive the process!

Articla also states that they would be most likely doing this with off peak or excess wind power.
Originally Posted By: Virtus_Probi
If they could figure out how to then turn the ethanol into corn, food would be wicked cheap, too!!!


Nah. It stil takes a lot of processing and transportation costs, warehousing, etc. I won't even haul your food to you in my semi for the rate to do so a year ago. You want it, you have to pay to have it brought to you or grow it yourself. Your corn flakes and corn bread will not go down in price. Corn has been uncomfortably low on the commodity markets. Drops any more and won't be worth growing it. Not sure how corn and ethanol have anything to do with food prices. Unless all you ever eat is corn products. Corn prices, adjusted for inflation, are lower than they were when Billy Bob was president. 20 years and corn prices have fluctuated, for sure, but they are essentially lower in price today than then. Your food prices are not affected in the least by ethanol production.
Seems to me there is an energy cost to drive the reaction--otherwise burning ethanol to get CO2 would be a positive energy gain loop--which is thermodynamically impossible.

It also seems to me that we need to take CO2 out of the atmosphere and not put it back in if we are to avoid cooking the planet.
Not sure how corn and ethanol have anything to do with food prices. Unless all you ever eat is corn products.

Basic economics; if a farmer can make more money growing corn due to high prices (high demand), he stops growing other crops.... causing those prices to rise.
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Originally Posted By: Kawiguy454
Near the bottom of the read is the vague disclaimer "IF they can make it more economical". There is a funny thing the eco feelgoods really like to ignore called reality. Nature NEVER gives you something for nothing and I have yet to see any of the postulated solutions to be anything more than makework for a special interest group to justify its existence.

Remember ...according to popular mechanics we should have all been commuting to work in our trash powered space cars since about year 2000. :)
I wanted the one with the reactor in the would cut down on tailgating.
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