Officer Wilson to not be federally charged

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Originally Posted By: javacontour
Does it matter what it means if the term makes him feel that one is attacking or criticizing a group as a whole rather than focusing on the bad actors?

Does it matter what your post means if it makes me feel like you're saying the sky is green?
If my post makes you think I'm saying the sky is green, ask a clarifying question.

I'm colorblind. Confirmed everytime I go to the eye doctor. For all I know, the sky could be green.

Perspective is everything and isn't a one-way deal.

As I said before, if you want to reach people and find solutions, you don't use charged language or make blanket accusations.

The term institutional racism is as much a blanket accusation as those backwards statements such as _________ group isn't good at ________.

Beware those who paint groups of people with a broad brush. We've seen it too many times in history when one group paints another with a broad brush to further their goals or agenda.

So I find such terms troubling as they tend to de-humanize people and treat them not as people, but as a group. History has repeatedly demonstrated that when you don't think of someone as a person, but as part of a group, it's much easier to justify treating them poorly.

Shall I look to see if you've argued against such statements when applied to blacks or muslims on this site? IIRC, you have said such statements are not valid when applied to groups. But on the other hand, you have no problem condemning an entire group by labeling them as part of something you've labeled institutional racism.
Originally Posted By: javacontour
If my post makes you think I'm saying the sky is green, ask a clarifying question.

No, thanks. I'd rather put up a wall of text based on my own understanding, and then reject the assertion that I might be wrong.
OK, prove the institution is racist. You make the accusation, the burden of proof is on you. It must be beyond a shadow of doubt. There can be no members of the institution that are not racist.

You make the assertion, you prove that the institution, which includes ALL members, are indeed racist.
Originally Posted By: d00df00d
You clearly have no idea what institutional racism means.

What is your definition of "institutional racism"? News flash, there is no such thing as institutional racism in America (unless you are talking about Sharpton or the KKK). As long as African Americans keep up the rhetoric about racism, there will be racism in America. Contrary to popular belief, there are more racist blacks per capita then there are racist whites. (WHAT??!! Can't be, blacks cannot be racist, am I right?)

If everyone stopped "having conversations" (mainstream media term) about the "racist agenda", then the healing can begin and we "can all just get along" and move past this ridiculous moment in American history.

Oh, and I do not have white privilege, either.
Originally Posted By: bubbatime
What is your definition of "institutional racism"?

It's when an institution's actions disproportionately affect different people based on race, whether or not the people or intentions behind those actions are overtly racist themselves. This isn't my definition, by the way. Google it.

This may or may not have been a factor for Michael Brown and Officer Wilson, but it certainly is a problem generally. I'd encourage you to look it up.
I'm not saying racism doesn't exist, so let's be clear about this.

I live near St. Louis, so I have some knowledge on the ground if you will. There are over 5 dozen governments when you consider St. Louis City, St. Louis County (incorporated and unincorporated) and the various municipalities in the county.

One of the biggest issues being investigates is the number of warrants due to unpaid fines.

Some claim that because African Americans have more warrants and unpaid fines that somehow there is some sort of institutional racism.

I don't know if anyone has checked to see if there are other correlations such as income, education level and others.

It seems there are some who don't realize that when you get a speeding ticket, you have to pay the ticket. If you don't pay the ticket, a warrant may be issued for your arrest, and the costs go up.

Combine this with the fact that many low income communities appear to write more tickets than others to supplement their income stream and you may find that some populations get more tickets than others.

Is that because the system is racist, or because some who get tickets simply don't call the courts and get on a payment plan. They ignore the problem and it gets worse. Is that a race issue, an education issue, or a behavior issue?

That isn't even addressing the fact that the communities who are aggressive in issuing traffic tickets are pretty well known and the speed limits are posted.

I drive in some of these areas to get to customer data centers. I simply follow the speed limit. No tickets, no problems.

So from my perspective, it's not a racial issue. It's an issue where people don't follow the speed limit and either don't read the instructions on the back of the ticket or don't seek competent expert advice. I don't mean lawyer, I means someone who has successfully dealt with such a ticket and avoided having an arrest warrant issued.

So my problem with such broad and vague definitions is one is only looking at outcomes. If more of one community is impacted, a label of institutional racism puts the blame on the institution. But is that really the case. Or, could it be possible that different communities, for whatever reason, choose to deal with the same issue in a different way?

If I get a speeding ticket, I pay the traffic lawyers $90+ the fine to plead it down to 30 days probation and nothing on my driving record if I get no further tickets in that period. (OK, it may be more than $90, that was some time ago.) In my case, the fee to the lawyer is less than a day of vacation is worth.

For others, with a lower income, they may have a different means to resolve the issue. Take time off their job, and see if they can get on a payment plan. Some simply do nothing.

Again, is that due to race, income, education or what?

It's too easy to say institutional racism, but that doesn't really solve the issue. If someone is poor, they will remain poor even if we don't charge them for speeding. If someone will not seek expert guidance, will that change if we don't charge them for speeding?

So even if you prove institutional racism, then what? Changing the institutions will not address the other core issues mentioned. Fixing the traffic infraction revenue machine will not fix kids dropping out of school at higher rates, or reading at lower levels, and on and on.

So even if you do find this correlation, what makes it more relevant than any other correlation one might find such as dropping out, reading levels, education levels, income, gender, two parent homes, to name a few possible correlations?

Am I saying all of those correlations exist? No, I've not seen all the data.

I simply remind folks that correlation doesn't equate to causation. Just because something appears to correlate based on race does not mean race is the factor driving the apparent correlation.

That's why generalizations are offensive. They don't say much about any one individual.

I think the reason folks are bristling at your bringing up institutional racism is that is has nothing to do with the topic of this thread, which is the lack of Federal charges against Officer Wilson. The mention of such a thing is a non-sequitur here.

Originally Posted By: d00df00d
Originally Posted By: bubbatime
What is your definition of "institutional racism"?

It's when an institution's actions disproportionately affect different people based on race, whether or not the people or intentions behind those actions are overtly racist themselves. This isn't my definition, by the way. Google it.

This may or may not have been a factor for Michael Brown and Officer Wilson, but it certainly is a problem generally. I'd encourage you to look it up.
This post is addressed to javacontour and bubbatime not d00df00d. I am done discussing anything with him.

An institution cannot be racist. People within an institution can be racist (or sexist, engage in religious bigotry, etc.), but only human beings can be racist.

Imagine if I started to talk about the 'institutional arrogance' of college professors. It would be a different story then. That would be unacceptable. Obviously not all college professors are arrogant, and I am offering no proof, and no statistics.

Institutional racism is a fancy term thrown around to try to damage the image of some organization or institution. Without good statistics and proof it means nothing. An institution itself cannot be racist. Only human beings can be racist. Human beings within some institution can be racist, but those individuals have to be dealt with on an individual basis. To say that there is 'institutional racism' within police organizations is like my saying that there is 'institutional arrogance' among college professors.

This individual is keeping this argument going for no good reason.
Originally Posted By: Mystic
Well, I don't mind replying to you demarpaint.

I don't normally walk around trying to talk like a college professor. But I am pretty good at spelling even a lot of the $20.00 big words. At times I can almost pull it off and sound like a college professor, or maybe at least a graduate student. But that is not my normal manner of speaking.

Why not try walking around like a college professor, a doctor, or a lawyer? After all this is the internet and you can be whatever you want to be. That seems to be a new trend.......
Dazzle and confuse the masses with big words and terms, I call it verbal rope a dope. LOL

I'm a doctor when I'm around my friends, they call me the paint Dr.
If the college professors can insist on throwing around meaningless fancy terms like 'institutional racism' than I can use terms for them like 'institutional arrogance.' Same difference. Feels different when it goes the other way, doesn't it? I see so many people graduating from high school who can't read and write, don't know anything about history, I think a lot of teachers need to be fired. A lot of them have failed. And even college students sometimes don't have a clue. So maybe quite a few professors need to be fired.

You see how this guy is trying to keep this nonsense going? He just keeps it up, demarpaint.

Anybody can be anything they want to be on the internet. But I was not raised that way and I am not going to say I have a PhD if I don't have one, even on the internet. I would rather be a honest man with integrity, and that is something some people cannot understand.

The term 'institutional racism' is just a means of trying to destroy the image of some target organization, such as the police, but being lazy and not able to point out any individual police who have racism issues.
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Originally Posted By: Mystic
If the college professors can insist on throwing around meaningless fancy terms like 'institutional racism' than I can use terms for them like 'institutional arrogance.' Same difference. Feels different when it goes the other way, doesn't it? I see so many people graduating from high school who can't read and write, don't know anything about history, I think a lot of teachers need to be fired. A lot of them have failed. And even college students sometimes don't have a clue. So maybe quite a few professors need to be fired.

You see how this guy is trying to keep this nonsense going? He just keeps it up, demarpaint.

Anybody can be anything they want to be on the internet. But I was not raised that way and I am not going to say I have a PhD if I don't have one, even on the internet. I would rather be a honest man with integrity, and that is something some people cannot understand.

The term 'institutional racism' is just a means of trying to destroy the image of some target organization, such as the police, but being lazy and not able to point out any individual police who have racism issues.

I hear ya.
Originally Posted By: d00df00d
Originally Posted By: javacontour
If my post makes you think I'm saying the sky is green, ask a clarifying question.

No, thanks. I'd rather put up a wall of text based on my own understanding, and then reject the assertion that I might be wrong.

I think what d00df00d says in his own words says a lot. Rather than admitting he might be wrong he says he would rather put up a 'wall of text.' I have never met a human being who knows everything. I think a person has a problem if they are unwilling to admit that they might be wrong.

I don't care about some goofy definition of 'institutional racism.' There has never been an institution that was racist. Only human beings can be racist. Human beings within an organization could be racist and have a bad influence on that organization. Especially if those racist individuals are in positions of power. But that does not mean every officer in an organization will be racist, and it does not mean that a person has to follow what are clearly unlawful orders.

And the police are not some monolithic organization in the USA. The police in Ferguson, Missouri, could be completely different than the police in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Different leaders, different cities, etc.

I think most people will agree that the term 'institutional arrogance' in reference to college professors is not an accurate, good term that should be used. Well, 'institutional racism' is a term that belongs in the trash can also. If an organization of any kind has some racial issues within it, the individuals in that organization with those problems need to be dealt with.
I have a consideration, and then a recommendation ...

Wilson shot Brown. The inference by some is that this was racially motivated.
The Prosecutor investigated and decided not to charge based on evidence both present and absent; claims of racism.
The Prosecutor convened a GJ in an attempt to widen and broaden the scope of investigation, and relieve any potential claim of bias; more claims of racial motivation by some.
The GJ investigated and found no bill; some rioted while others chanted of racism.
The FBI investigated the claim of civil rights violations and no charges were filed; still some folks see racism.

Apparently to some folks, a singular event can indict the entire country, as if we were ALL cuplable of the event itself, and all biased racially.

If you believe the entire legal system, at both State and Federal levels, is so corrupt that this event is a massive cover-up for racist behavior, then why not move to some other country that you perceive as more fair and less racist? If you think that, despite all evidence to the contrary, black Brown was shot because of his skin color, and every single facet of the legal system is covering it up to protect white Wilson, why stay? Just get out and save yourself before it's too late!
Originally Posted By: dnewton3

If you believe the entire legal system, at both State and Federal levels, is so corrupt that this event is a massive cover-up for racist behavior, then why not move to some other country that you perceive as more fair and less racist? If you think that, despite all evidence to the contrary, black Brown was shot because of his skin color, and every single facet of the legal system is covering it up to protect white Wilson, why stay? Just get out and save yourself before it's too late!

Spot on! I've made that recommendation a few times. I'll add, don't let the door hit you in the arse as you leave.
Originally Posted By: bubbatime
Originally Posted By: DoubleWasp

So when do we get to kill cops who place us in fear of our lives?


Why are cops putting you in fear? Only criminals should fear cops. Are you a criminal?

Usually, the people who have this point of view are thugs...
Originally Posted By: demarpaint
Originally Posted By: dnewton3

If you believe the entire legal system, at both State and Federal levels, is so corrupt that this event is a massive cover-up for racist behavior, then why not move to some other country that you perceive as more fair and less racist? If you think that, despite all evidence to the contrary, black Brown was shot because of his skin color, and every single facet of the legal system is covering it up to protect white Wilson, why stay? Just get out and save yourself before it's too late!

Spot on! I've made that recommendation a few times. I'll add, don't let the door hit you in the arse as you leave.

But how are these people going to get all of their free gov handouts if they leave the country?
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They will not go. Not most of them. They are living good here. My brother has been in over 100 countries in the world. He told me a lot about several countries. I think these people who so hate their own country would be in for a surprise if they went to many other countries.
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