Thought you guys would enjoy this garbage!

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Nice presentation. Didn't realize that the 'accessories' on the truck caused the engine to run at redline - thought it just loaded them down a bit.
'naw. Naught Nordic!
I see this before.

Cleanest garbage trucks and trash cans in history. Ive never seen a garbage truck that nice and clean.
Saw some of these Nordic Waste trucks on the road during my vacation trip north this summer. When the article mentions the steep hills in Duluth, they aren't kidding. The whole city looks like it could just slide off into Lake Superior if an earthquake happened to hit that area.
Originally Posted By: kkreit01
^ and cold! Duluth/Superior are quite nippy.

And every time I've been thru there it was very damp. Just an uky place.

Once I spent 2 weeks there helping out a friend in late Sep. with a remodeling job on his house. Shesh was I glad to leave.
Never been there. Would love to see the Amsoil headquarters and the lake.

Lots of shoreline and islands in the Sound here where I live. But no comparison to the Great Lakes.
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