how do i make box mix brownies chewy?

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Jul 23, 2007
every once in a while they come out chewy and they hardly last a day but often they come out cake like and they just sit around, how do i ensure that they come out chewy?
Add oil, nice thick earl. Actually any viscosity and cut back on egg, some say add two eggs for cake like brownies.

Yes I'm a brownie fiend
As an an amateur baker your best bet is to increase vegetable oil in the brownies and yes, take out an egg. That'll get you nice and chewy brownies as they should be. Darn it, you made me start jonesing for brownies now.
I agree with the other two. Take out an egg, add a little oil. Just made some last night. Even when cutting weight for my powerlifting, I always find a spot for chewy brownies.
Anybody have the Outback restaurant brownie dessert called chocolate thunder, they use no flour on the making of the brownie, lots of egg yolks no whites. I worked on their cooler and ate a whole tray once, needles to say they hid them next time.
You can also add Jell-o Instant Pudding mix. It keeps chocolate chip cookies soft & chewy !!!

Originally Posted By: morepower
Anybody have the Outback restaurant brownie dessert called chocolate thunder, they use no flour on the making of the brownie, lots of egg yolks no whites. I worked on their cooler and ate a whole tray once, needles to say they hid them next time.

I've got a recipe for a cajun chocolate cake, that includes amongst other things 13 eggs, 2 sticks of butter, two blocks of chocolate, and 1-3/4 cups of sugar...Flour is like 2 tablespoons.

Makes a lovely heart attack...ermm cake that you eat wafer thin slices of at a time.
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