Here we go again, another Oilguard analysis with zero iron and chromium...
I think I am done using Oilguard. I just can't believe the results. Granted, I am not the king of long drains, but to have 4 out of 5 analyses (three different vehicles) come back with zero iron and zero chromium after 4450, 3980, 2750 and 2000 miles tells me they just aren't seeing these metals. Only sample of the 5 that had iron was from a 2,750 mile Schaeffer 15w-40 run
This sample is from my brother's 96 Cruiser with 126,000 total miles. It is his wife's DD kid-hauler. 4,450 OCI on Supertech includes a 950 mile drive from Milwaukee to Richmond, VA. OCI was roughly August - November (so a fair amount of short-trip driving mixed in there). He has owned the vehicle since about 40,000 miles. He runs Mobil 1 in the winter for the cold flow, and any cheap dino in the summer. He generally does not go more than 3,000 between changes, but I talked him into leaving this drain go so we could sample when we were together over the holiday (chronic oil changing must be genetic
Filter unknown...not a Fram
FE 0
CR 0
PB 0
CU 2
SN 0
AL 2
NI 0
SI 3
NA 3
K 0
Visc 14.5
Fuel 0
Glycol 0
Water 0
Soot 0.5
TBN of 8 seems high - I don't believe it. SI is amazingly low...not sure I believe that either. You already know what I think of the metals...
Going to switch to Blackstone... See also this thread:;f=3;t=002958;p=1
for head to head lab comparo between Oilguard and Blackstone on the same sample.
I don't mean to slam Oilguard, I just don't think the value is there.
Oh, and it took a month to get the results. Even worse than the usual three weeks.

I think I am done using Oilguard. I just can't believe the results. Granted, I am not the king of long drains, but to have 4 out of 5 analyses (three different vehicles) come back with zero iron and zero chromium after 4450, 3980, 2750 and 2000 miles tells me they just aren't seeing these metals. Only sample of the 5 that had iron was from a 2,750 mile Schaeffer 15w-40 run

This sample is from my brother's 96 Cruiser with 126,000 total miles. It is his wife's DD kid-hauler. 4,450 OCI on Supertech includes a 950 mile drive from Milwaukee to Richmond, VA. OCI was roughly August - November (so a fair amount of short-trip driving mixed in there). He has owned the vehicle since about 40,000 miles. He runs Mobil 1 in the winter for the cold flow, and any cheap dino in the summer. He generally does not go more than 3,000 between changes, but I talked him into leaving this drain go so we could sample when we were together over the holiday (chronic oil changing must be genetic

Filter unknown...not a Fram

FE 0
CR 0
PB 0
CU 2
SN 0
AL 2
NI 0
SI 3
NA 3
K 0
Visc 14.5
Fuel 0
Glycol 0
Water 0
Soot 0.5
TBN of 8 seems high - I don't believe it. SI is amazingly low...not sure I believe that either. You already know what I think of the metals...
Going to switch to Blackstone... See also this thread:;f=3;t=002958;p=1
for head to head lab comparo between Oilguard and Blackstone on the same sample.
I don't mean to slam Oilguard, I just don't think the value is there.
Oh, and it took a month to get the results. Even worse than the usual three weeks.